Home » today » Health » Eating Right: Understanding Food to Prevent Disease – Voice of Hope March 12, 2024

Eating Right: Understanding Food to Prevent Disease – Voice of Hope March 12, 2024

[Voice of Hope March 12, 2024](Editor: Li Zhi) In spring, we often hear the word “hair”. We cannot eat it if we have a cold, if we have a fever, or if we have trauma… What exactly is “hair”? “thing”?

In fact, the full name of what we usually call “food” should be – food that induces disease.

Although they do exist, “fat” does not have a clear identity in modern medicine. Based on the characteristics of these foods, many people classify them as “allergens”.

Crab (Pixabay)

Generally speaking, “fawu” is only targeted at sick people.

For example, infectious diseases such as aphthous ulcers and herpes zoster worsen when eating hot foods; or patients with allergic dermatitis, allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and other diseases develop diseases after eating seafood and other foods. Relapse etc.

Since these foods will not cause harm to healthy people, what kind of food will be characterized as “hair-producing food” is not determined by the food itself, but by the disease.

Therefore, as long as we understand the nature of the food and eat reasonably according to our own physical conditions, it will not cause disease, and we can even “get benefits” from it.

ginger (pixabay)

things that generate heat

For example: scallion, ginger, pepper, pepper, mutton, dog meat, etc.

Unsuitable people: People with hot constitution, deficiency of yin and excess fire, and people suffering from tuberculosis or inflammation of wounds.

Suitable people: People with cold constitution often feel afraid of the cold. Appropriate consumption of this type of food can help expel the cold in the body.

things that make wind

For example: shrimp, crab, goose, eggs, toon sprouts, etc.

Unsuitable groups: Allergy and gout patients.

Suitable people: For people without allergic symptoms, the above foods are high-quality protein sources.

Sticky rice (Image: PxHere)

hot and humid things

Examples: caramel, glutinous rice, pork, etc.

Unsuitable groups: People with weak spleen and stomach, phlegm-damp constitution, etc. Such people are generally fatter, sleepier easily, and have white and greasy tongue coating.

Suitable people: People with insufficient Qi can benefit from eating this kind of food.

Cold accumulated things

For example: watermelon, pears, persimmons and other raw and cold products.

Unsuitable groups: People with spleen and stomach deficiency, cold constitution, etc. are generally not suitable to eat more.

Suitable people: For people with excessive heat constitution, cold accumulation food is a better way to reduce heat, especially in summer.

black pepper (pixabay)

Bloody things

Examples: sea pepper, pepper, etc.

Unsuitable people: Patients with various bleeding diseases, such as metrorrhagia, menorrhagia, hematemesis, hemoptysis, epistaxis, subcutaneous bleeding, hematuria, hemorrhoids, etc.

Suitable people: These foods have very good effects on stimulating menstruation, activating meridians, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and can be used to prevent and treat blood stasis-type headaches, frozen shoulder and some rheumatic diseases.

things that stagnate

Examples: soybeans, sweet potatoes, lotus seeds, gorgon seeds, etc.

Unsuitable people: People with weak spleen and stomach, eating it may easily cause indigestion, bloating, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

Suitable people: Many of these foods have the effect of strengthening the kidneys, astringing essence, nourishing the spleen and stopping diarrhea. People with diarrhea due to spleen deficiency or premature ejaculation due to kidney deficiency can eat them appropriately.

fennel (pixabay)

Photosensitive foods

Photosensitive foods refer to foods that can easily cause photodermatitis.

Common photosensitive foods include lettuce, fennel, amaranth, shepherd’s purse, celery, radish leaves, spinach, coriander, rape, lemon, mango, pineapple, etc.

In addition, “photosensitive seafood” includes snails, shrimps, crabs, clams, etc., which also contain photosensitive substances, so you need to pay attention.

Generally, these foods will not cause adverse reactions as long as they are not eaten in large amounts, but people with allergies should eat less.

Many of these foods are rich in nutrients, and eating them at dinner or in rainy weather can reduce their photosensitivity.

What we need is to eat sensibly rather than blindly fast. So, how should we eat scientifically in our daily life?

Look at the nature, taste and season of food

For example, mutton has a warming and tonic effect when eaten in winter, but when eaten in summer, many people tend to get angry. For these people, mutton is a “hair-raising substance”.

Lamb (pixabay)

Find out if food can cause illness

For example, some people are prone to allergies when eating shrimps and crabs. For these people, shrimps and crabs are “fat foods”.

Look at your own physique

For example, snow pear nourishes and reduces fire for many people, but for people with weak and cold constitutions, it is a cold-accumulating “factor”.

For people who are already sick, there is the simplest way to judge whether a certain food can be eaten – listen to the doctor!

Editor in charge: Li Zhi

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2024-03-12 10:55:15

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