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Eating Pete is Beneficial to Treat Stomach Acid to Lower Sugar Levels

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID – Petai fruit turns out to have efficacy can be used to treat a number of ailments.

Despite having building which is not delicious and some people do not like it, but the benefits are quite large.

The first benefit of eating a petai fruit which is also called a banana is to neutralize stomach acid.

For stomach acid sufferer or gerd then you can start eating bananas regularly to treat stomach acid disease.

Not only gastric acid, there are many other benefits that are good for treat various diseases.

Can Petai Cause Gout? Check the Benefits of Petai for Health If Eaten Naturally

How to eat peanuts would be better if eaten raw.

If you want to cook it, make sure not to mix it with coconut milk because it will cause health problems.

Here are a number of benefits of petai fruit:

1. Treat Stomach Acid

Petai can be used as an intake to help treat digestion, because of its soft and smooth texture.

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