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Eating onion every day: what happens to our body?

The onion is a vegetable that is very good for your health, and not surprisingly it also has medicinal properties. It has a pungent flavor that is perfect for different recipes. What happens to eat onion every day? To find out, please read the rest of this article.

When we talk about onion, we refer to a vegetable that grows underground composed of various layers, which offers the following nutritional elements:

  • Enzymes which stimulate digestion and metabolism;
  • Trace elements, that is: potassium, iron, sulfur, fluorine, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and manganese;
  • vitamins of various kinds: A, C, E and those of group B;
  • Flavonoids, which have a diuretic action;
  • Glucochinina: it is a vegetable hormome that has antidiabetic effects.
  • Antioxidants of various kinds.

With this in mind, eating onion every day is beneficial for the proper functioning of the body. In the next paragraph we explain why.

The effects of eating onion every day

Raw or cooked, onion is always very beneficial. But it is preferable to consume it raw, when possible: in this way it keeps all its nutritional qualities intact, and is more effective for our health and our well-being.

There is no precise amount of onions that you can consume on a daily basis. But one a day (About 100-150 grams of product) is already enough to benefit from its positive effects in the long run.

I advantages to eat onion every day are many. In fact, here is what this food offers:

  • A useful action against the cystitis;
  • Stimulation of the diuresis and the purification of the body from excess toxins;
  • The contrast to blood clots, because it helps to thin it;
  • Checking the values ​​of glycemia;
  • Checking the values ​​of triglycerides e cholesterol;
  • A’anti-inflammatory action;
  • A’antibacterial action;
  • The improvement of the digestion;
  • A great help in the case of bronchitis, because it has a expectorant effect;
  • Overall, a significant contribution of healthy substances for the body.

Does onion have any contraindications?

Like most foods, onion can also have some side effects if you continually exaggerate in its consumption. Below we explain the reasons:

  • It is not easy for everyone to digest, due to the fact of containing short-chain carbohydrates: because of this, an abuse, especially if repeated, can cause various problems: a lot of air in the stomach, abdominal swelling, but also cramps and dysentery.
  • Excessive consumption can also aggravate the situation of those who have intestinal problems.

One of the best onions is that of Tropea

There are various types of onions, and the red onion from Tropea it is one of the most delicious and healthy.

It is characterized by a refined, light and crunchy flavor. And it has so many beneficial properties, superior to those of many other types of onions:

  • We know it can help prevent cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks.
  • Also presents antioxidant and antibiotic properties.
  • It is a significant source of tioli, which make the blood cleaner and reduce the possibility of hardening of the arteries.
  • It can give relief when consumed in cases of cold and of influenza (it also has expectorant properties).
  • Contrast the bleeding some blood.
  • It can also help treat intestinal infections.
  • E’ diuretics like all onions.
  • It helps in the prevention of whooping cough e kidney stones.

Even in the case of this typical vegetable of Calabria, consuming about 100-150 grams per day is already enough to enjoy its extraordinary benefits.

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