Home » today » World » Eating instant noodles in a truck “nearly 9,000 yuan flew”! The driver was crying anxiously: how to explain it when I get home | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Eating instant noodles in a truck “nearly 9,000 yuan flew”! The driver was crying anxiously: how to explain it when I get home | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Continental Center / Zhang Jianing reports

In the middle of work, you will inevitably encounter unbearable hunger, but if you come across such a situation, it will make people truly helpless. A truck driver in mainland China recently ate a bowl of instant noodles in his car while delivering goods, but was reported by factory employees and fined 2,000 yuan for “not wearing a mask,” making him want to cry without tears. .

▲ The truck driver was fined by the factory for taking off his mask and eating instant noodles in the car. (Schematic diagram / data photo)

According to Lu media reports, a truck driver in mainland China recently ate a bowl of instant noodles in a car due to hunger when he delivered goods to a factory in Ningxia. As a result, the driver was fined 2,000 yuan (approx. NT $ 8,818). from the factory for “not wearing the mask”.

After the accident, the driver called to complain, but the operator replied that “you work hard and fines are two concepts”. yuan. How do you tell me to go home? “

After the video was exposed, it quickly sparked discussions on the internet. Netizens left messages like “What right to a fine?” “This is considered extortion, call the police directly.” In addition, some network users aware of the incident revealed that after the incident caused controversy on the internet, the operator withdrew the fine for the driver.

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