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Eating Egg Whites: A Natural Way to Lower Blood Pressure

In the past, even some medical professionals believed that eggs were bad for health. Fortunately, that time has passed.

Every year, new research discovers their benefits. Some seem so surprising that it’s hard to believe: for example, an American study found that egg whites lower blood pressure as effectively as pharmaceutical drugs for high blood pressure.

According to research from Clemson University, a certain component in egg white helps lower blood pressure with the same effect as drugs used for this purpose. The data were presented at the American Chemical Society’s national meeting in New Orleans.

“Our research suggests that an egg white peptide lowers blood pressure as effectively as a pharmaceutical drug,” said Dr. Zhipeng Yu of Clemson University.

Previous studies have shown that this substance, called RVPSL, blocks the production of an enzyme that increases blood pressure. To be equivalent to the amount provided by the drug, six egg whites were used. Eggs are consumed boiled, and according to the information disclosed, high temperatures, in other words – boiling, favor their effectiveness in treating the problem.

Egg consumption has also been linked to blood sugar control in previous studies. If the findings are confirmed, it could reduce the necessary doses of the drugs and limit their side effects.

Research also indicates the following: the action of this food product is so effective that eating six egg whites will have an effect similar to a small dose of a drug often used for high blood pressure.

But in such a case, is it recommended to stop taking the pharmacy drug?

Dr. Tamara Goes informed us about the following. Egg white lowers blood pressure, but replacing over-the-counter hypertension drugs with copious amounts of this protein would be a risky approach.

“Including egg white in your diet is a good idea—but it should only be an adjunct to treatment with hypotensive medications prescribed by your doctor,” advises Dr. Goesch. A complete replacement is contraindicated, as excess egg white can cause damage, such as raising cholesterol and overloading the kidneys, for example.

In addition, pharmacy drugs for high blood pressure are the only fully proven way to stabilize blood pressure, which, if left untreated, can lead to heart disease and strokes.

It is best to seek the help of a nutritionist to indicate the appropriate amounts of eggs per day, since each body has characteristics and peculiarities that must be analyzed individually. But anyway, the average is one or two eggs a day.

It should also not be forgotten that there are other important measures to lower blood pressure, such as weight control, regular physical activity and quitting smoking.

The study was conducted with eggs cooked at 93°C – a lower temperature than normally used to prepare boiled and fried eggs. But it was found that high temperatures favor the effectiveness of food in reducing blood pressure, according to actualno.com.

However, the fried version increases the amount of fat. Therefore, it is best to use as little oil as possible or simply boil the eggs.

It is better to eat the whole egg: although the yolk does not have hypotensive (blood-sucking) properties, it contains the beneficial substances lutein and carotenoids – which are of prime importance for eye health, exquis.ro cites.

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2023-08-24 22:44:59
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