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Eat McDonald’s For 100 Days, This Man Managed To Lose Weight


A man becomes a public conversation because of a pattern the diet special. For 100 days, this man chose to eat McDonald’s menu.

Diet is done not only to lose weight, but also to maintain a healthy body. Most people diet by changing their diet to be healthier.

Indeed, there are no specific rules that must be followed when dieting. But they usually avoid foods or drinks with too much sugar and salt. Fried food is also the biggest enemy.

Even so, not everyone diets the same way. Because there are also those who choose a diet in a unique way. For example, this man who chose to diet with fast food consumption.

Fast food is actually one that is often avoided when on a diet because it is high in calories and salt. The cooking method is also often fried in oil.

But this man still chooses to diet by consuming fast food from McDonald’s restaurants. After touching the body weight of 107 kilograms, the man named Kevin Maginnis announced that he would start a diet.

The diet chosen is quite different because he has a plan to eat once every three days with food from McDonald’s only for the next 100 days. At first he admitted that his weight was unacceptable. Therefore he plans to limit food portions by eating half a portion of each menu he orders, reported today.com (02/03).

The man from Nashville, United States has been on his diet starting February 21. Then on March 2, he also reported the current condition of his body. Surprisingly, even though he only ate fast food, he managed to lose about 5.6 kilograms!

With this success, Kevin also tries to convince many people that the diet method he is doing is producing maximum results.

s This man lost weight in 100 days” title=”Eating McDonald’s in 100 days, this man lost weight” class=”p_img_zoomin” style=”undefined” />This man tries a 100-day diet by eating only food from McDonald’s .Photo: TikTok @bigmaccoaching

“I believe that if I can finally lose 22 kilograms, my health can improve, my blood flow can also work better. If you don’t believe it, follow along,” Kevin told Today’s.

For about 10 days on the diet, Kevin Maginnis revealed that his strategy worked. He only ate half of the food he ordered from McDonald’s. In this way, he can cut daily calorie intake.

s For 100 Days, This Man Has Lost Weight” title=”Eat McDonald’s For 100 Days, This Man Has Lost Weight” class=”p_img_zoomin” style=”undefined” />His diet means he only consumes half the servings of McD’s menu he ordered Photo: TikTok @bigmaccoaching

Dieting by running a calorie deficit has indeed become Kevin’s mainstay. Because previously he was also a weight lifter and a fighter in the military.

“The idea of ​​limiting calories like this has always been a mainstay of mine. I used to be a weightlifter and was a fighter in the military. So there were times when I had to achieve my weight goals by cutting calories,” he explained further.

Maybe many people will ask Kevin to consume healthy foods such as salads and drink lots of water. But everyday, this man actually orders food like burgers, French fries, and desserts. Kevin still replaces soda drinks with water. He also skips snacking on food between heavy meals.

Uploading videos on TikTok regarding his diet journey is actually not for showing off. Kevin thinks that this will actually help him to be able to calculate the target he wants.

Many netizens are confused by the man’s diet. In response to this, a nutritionist also revealed that his diet might work. Fast food is safe for the short term.

But still, if consumed too often it can be harmful to health, moreover a person’s health is not only measured by the numbers on the scales. Kevin was also advised to do physical activity to build his muscles.

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