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Eat and not complete: 3 ordinary foods that saturate the body with iodine

If you are overweight, the first thing you need to check is the thyroid gland, since iodine deficiency causes an increase in pathological body weight. If there is at least one product every 3 days, then you can saturate the body with valuable iodine.

Iodine deficiency affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. And the thyroid gland is a regulator of all metabolic processes in the body. Her disturbed work leads to a malfunction and the appearance of excess body weight. To saturate the body with iodine, it is enough to consume foods that are rich in it daily.

Cod liver

Liver – is a leader in the content of trace elements. One hundred grams of the product contains about three hundred and sixty micrograms of iodine. And the daily rate is one hundred and fifty micrograms. Therefore, it is permissible to eat a sandwich with thirty grams of cod liver to get the coveted rate of iodine per day.

Sea fish and cabbage

It is good to know that there are many trace elements in different types of fish: salmon, pink salmon, herring and even squid. A weekly diet can be varied. A trace element is also found in seaweed. The norm will be if there are salads with one hundred grams of cabbage.


Unexpectedly, iodine is found in cranberries. The berry is in no way inferior to fish in the content of trace elements. In one glass of berries is 500-600 micrograms of iodine. Cranberries can be eaten fresh, boiled compote or jam.

And if you notice pronounced problems in the thyroid gland, then you should consult a doctor for help. The pathology of the gland can occur not only due to the lack of a trace element, but also because of the deviation of the hormones themselves from the norm.

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