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Easy Finances for the Domestic Economy: Understanding the Complex World of Mortgages

Have you ever wondered what is the most important thing when formalizing a mortgage? Or how can you make better decisions about what will affect your economy over a long period of time? If you are looking for answers to these questions and want to improve your personal financial management, you cannot miss the next cycle of the forum «Easy Finances for the Domestic Economy»organized by INFORMATION and Banco Sabadell.

This third cycle of the conference series, -which will be broadcast tomorrow, Friday at 10:00 a.m. on the INFORMATION website- will delve into the complex world of mortgages, a topic of crucial relevance in the lives of most people . In these events, which have the outstanding participation of experts in various areas of Sabadell Bank, They are sharing valuable ideas and tips for better personal financial management.

The speaker on this occasion will be Manel Valles, Commercial Director of the Territorial East of Banco Sabadell, professional with extensive experience in the field of mortgages and personal finance, who will guide the viewer through the Essential aspects to consider when buying a home. As always, Toni Cabot, director of the Club INFORMATION, will be in charge of presenting and conducting these sessions of “Easy Finances for the Domestic Economy”.

During the talk, fundamental questions will be addressed such as why it is essential to be well informed when formalizing a mortgage, What factors influence the granting of the license? by the bank or What are the different types of interest rates? available and the most appropriate according to the current economic situation. will also talk about maximum terms and if it is possible to modify them, on the necessary documentation and if there is obligation to contract an additional product when we ask the bank for a mortgage, among many other issues.

So, if you are thinking of buying a home or applying for a mortgage and you want to make the best financial decisions, You cannot miss this digital meeting that will be broadcast tomorrow on www.informacion.es.

Digital meeting: Easy Finance for the Domestic Economy. mortgages

You can follow the meeting tomorrow, Friday, September 8, from 10:00 a.m. on the INFORMATION website.

2023-09-06 21:32:01
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