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Easy and Delicious Farinata Recipe: Gluten-Free and Nutritious

You have to try this farinata! It’s so easy to make, packed with nutrients and delicious. It’s a great option for most because it’s gluten-free and can be customized with whatever flavors you like.

Farinata is a delicious pancake-style bread. It’s easy to make and it’s unleavened, so no leavening agents or yeast. It is also called socca, torta di ceci and cecina. It is a traditional recipe from Genoa, in northwestern Italy, in the Liguria region. You can also find it in Gibraltar, an island off the southern coast of Spain, where it is called calentita.

The main ingredient of farinata is chickpea flour. Also called garbanzo flour. It is made from dried chickpeas that are ground to make flour. It is a good source of protein, iron, folate, manganese and magnesium.

Ingredients for 5 servings

250 g chickpea flour

100 ml olive oil

1 red onion

100 g olives

10 g sare

800 ml of water

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Method of preparation

Combine the flour with the salt, then pour the warm water and mix. Cover the bowl with a food film and leave the composition to ferment overnight.

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The next day, heat the oven to 220 °C, combine the composition with the olive oil and put it in a lined tray.

See also: Tarte au gratin

Place the sliced ​​onions and olives on top, then put the tray in the oven for 15-20 minutes, until the tart is browned on top.

FOTO: Shutterstock

2023-07-28 07:06:24
#farinata #Italianstyle #tart #glutenfree #Click #women

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