as the holiday season approaches, authorities in Eastern Antioquia, Colombia, are gearing up to ensure the safety and security of residents and visitors alike. wiht the end-of-year festivities frequently enough bringing increased activity and potential security challenges, officials are implementing a multi-pronged approach that combines increased police and military presence with community-focused initiatives.

Recent weeks have seen a surge in security personnel across the region. The Juan del Corral Battalion recently graduated 87 new soldiers, bolstering their ranks. Additionally, 19 police officers have been deployed to Marinilla, while mobile security teams have been established in key towns such as Guarne, Rionegro, and El Carmen de Viboral.
Colonel José Antonio Obregón, head of the Juan del Corral Group, emphasized the group’s commitment to ensuring safety throughout the region’s 21 municipalities. “This weekend is a titanic task as we light up Christmas, and East antioquia is a marvelous destination to visit this holiday season,” he stated.
Beyond increased security personnel, local mayors are actively promoting citizen coexistence strategies. These initiatives focus on encouraging self-care and discouraging the use of fireworks, which can pose safety hazards and disrupt the peace.
“And we hope that this holiday season will pass without a shooting in the city of La Ceja and hopefully in the whole region,” said Ilbed Santa, mayor of La Ceja.
“To guarantee them a healthy coexistence and tranquility, and that they can enjoy the whole town and the whole public space in a peaceful way,” highlighted Elisarai Torres, Secretary of the Government in Guarne.
Further bolstering security efforts, the Antioquia Segura Military and Police Squadron Government -EMPÁS- has been activated. This specialized unit will focus on maintaining order and safety in the rural areas of Abejorral, nariño, sonsón, and La Unión.
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