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East Saxony’s MINT talents qualify for “Jugend forscht”

Fantastic news from East Saxony: The 11 most talented young researchers have successfully qualified for the Saxon state competition of “Jugend forscht”! The winners were honored in a festive event after they had already impressed the expert jury with their impressive research projects the previous week. A total of 39 young MINT talents competed against each other with 31 exciting research projects. The sponsoring companies Sachsen Energie, KLA and Wandelbots supported the competition and were enthusiastic about the great ideas of the young researchers. Now it’s on to the state level for the first place winners, where they compete against the other Saxon regional winners and even have the chance to reach the national final. Congratulations and good luck with the next step!

What is STEM?

MINT is an acronym for the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. The term STEM is used to denote these disciplines and to emphasize the importance of education and careers in these fields. In education policy and the world of work, MINT is an important focus in order to promote skills in these areas and to meet the need for qualified workers.

Why is STEM so important?

MINT education and professions (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology) are of great importance for the economic future and development of a country. Skilled workers are urgently needed in many areas of the economy and industry, especially in future-oriented sectors such as digitization, artificial intelligence, renewable energies and mobility. STEM professionals contribute to the development of new technologies and innovative solutions, thereby creating new jobs and wealth. A strong MINT education and training is therefore an important factor for a country’s competitiveness and future viability.

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