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Earth’s Ozone Layer Improves Due to Lockdown, Scientists Even Warn This

Earth illustration. (pexels/Jaymantri)

Hitekno.com – Good news for all residents Earth, ozone layer which has been a threat has actually improved as a result of lockdown what happened during pandemic. Although eventually improved, scientists actually gave a strong warning regarding this.

In research conducted by scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, the global ozone layer is now experiencing a 15 percent decline.

Launching from Science Alert, as a result of lower Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions, global ozone levels then experienced a drastic decline equivalent to 15 years of conventional reduction.

In February 2020, when the Chinese government issued a lockdown, there was a 50 percent reduction in NOx emissions in several cities in a matter of weeks.

I was really surprised at how big the impact was on global ozone. We expect more local responses on the surface,said JPL scientist Jessica Neu, in a statement.

Earth illustration. (pexels/pixabay)

In most states of the United States, NOx emission reductions reached 25 percent in the spring when the official lockdown rules were issued by the government.

Basically, ozone in the atmosphere is not always bad. These molecules in ozone protect the planet from the full force of the Sun. Unfortunately, this bottom of the ozone can irritate the human lungs.

The ozone layer on the surface is estimated to cause 365,000 deaths globally in 2019 by damaging the lungs of vulnerable people, such as young children and people with asthma.

However, regarding this, scientists give a strong warning that global NOx and ozone emissions are likely to rise again when the world economy recovers after the pandemic period ends.

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