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Earthquakes in Egypt: New Details and Effects of the Moroccan Earthquake on the Country

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Dean of the Egyptian National Institute for Astronomical Research, Dr. Gad Al-Qadi, revealed new details about earthquakes in Egypt and the effects of the Moroccan earthquake on the country.

Egypt witnesses an earthquake every day

According to Sada El Balad, Gad Al-Qadi explained that Egypt witnesses earthquakes daily, and that these earthquakes are carefully monitored and recorded. However, most of these earthquakes are not felt by citizens.

The Dean of the National Institute for Astronomical Research pointed out that 90% of the earthquakes that occur in Egypt are imperceptible, due to their low magnitude, which does not exceed 2 on the Richter scale.

He stated that some tremors are felt from time to time, and their source is outside Egyptian territory, such as the Hellenic Arc or the eastern Mediterranean.

Earthquake focus areas

Regarding the focus areas for earthquakes in Egypt, the institute’s experts stated that they are mainly concentrated in specific areas such as the north and east of the Red Sea, the Dahshur area south of Cairo, Abu Zaabal and Al-Khanka, northeast of Cairo, in addition to the Kalabsha area in Aswan.

Repercussions of the earthquake in Morocco

In his speech, the judge touched on the Moroccan earthquake, saying that this earthquake had no repercussions on Egyptian territory, and this is due to the long distance between the two countries, which reaches 3,200 kilometers.

He pointed out that the geological structures and faults that occurred in the Moroccan earthquake are completely different from those found in Egyptian lands.

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2023-09-15 02:56:01

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