Earthquake – Hamburg:Hanseatic Help asks for money for earthquake victims
Directly from the dpa news channel
Hamburg (dpa / lno) – The Hamburg association Hanseatic Help, which emerged from Germany’s largest clothing store for refugees, is asking for money – instead of donations in kind – for the victims of the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. “Anyone who wants to help is best done with a monetary donation,” spokesman Michael Wopperer told the German Press Agency on Friday. The money will be used to buy new goods in Germany and send them to the disaster area. The association continues to accept clothing donations, said Wopperer. But these would not be sent to Turkey for the time being.
Turkey has not yet allowed the import of used clothes, said Wopperer. “Due to customs regulations, it is not possible to bring used clothing to the affected regions.” The association hopes for a quick political solution, said Wopperer. But as long as the import regulations are so strict, Hanseatic Help will refrain from transporting used goods to Turkey. However, Wopperer emphasized that Hanseatic Help still needs clothing, blankets and sleeping bags. If the donations in kind cannot be sent to the disaster areas, they would be distributed in Hamburg or in the Ukraine.
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