Home » today » World » Earthquake and flood in Mexico: 7.4 shook Acapulco, torrential rains killed 17 patients in hospital (photos / video)

Earthquake and flood in Mexico: 7.4 shook Acapulco, torrential rains killed 17 patients in hospital (photos / video)

The quakes caused rocks to slide and damage buildings, so far one has been reported dead

A strong earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale shook southwestern Mexico near the resort of Acapulco, Reuters reported. Its epicenter was 37 km northwest of San Marcos and 14 km southeast of Acapulco, Guerrero, according to the US Geophysical Institute (USGS). The epicenter was at a depth of 10 km.


Buildings swayed in Mexico City in the middle of the night, forcing people to flee the streets, world news agencies reported. In some parts of the city, the quakes lasted nearly a minute.

The quake caused rocks to slide and damage buildings. Guerrero Gov. Hector Astudio said a man had been killed by a fallen pole near the resort of Acapulco.

There are fallen rocks on some roads and fallen trees. There have been power outages in several states, including some neighborhoods in the Mexican capital. In the Roma district of the capital, people frightened by the quake and the power outage, despite the rain, took to the streets, some in pajamas, said an eyewitness.

Acapulco is located about 375 km from Mexico City. A metropolitan area was left without electricity and frightened residents took to the streets, some almost in their pajamas, an eyewitness told Reuters. The locals had gathered together in the rain, with small children and pets in their arms, too frightened to return home.

And while the southern parts of Mexico were shaken by the strong earthquake, before that in the central parts of the country torrential rains caused huge floods.

A river killed 17 patients with coronavirus in a hospital

The rains in central Mexico flooded a hospital. The accident killed 17 people, Reuters reports. Most of them were on COVID-19 and were treated at a hospital in the central Mexican state of Hidalgo, where torrential rains led to the overflow of the Tula River.

More than 40 patients were evacuated by emergency services, and according to initial information circulated by the Mexican government, about 2,000 houses were affected by the floods in the area.

Hidalgo Governor Omar Fayyad said that for some of the patients, the death occurred when the electricity was cut off as a result of the flood. Then the supply of oxygen, vital to their mechanical respiration, stopped.

Photos were posted on social media showing nurses pushing the beds of the sick and the water reaching their knees. Some of the intubated patients were transferred to other medical institutions with the help of motor boats.

Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador has called on Twitter for people at risk of flooding to seek refuge with friends and relatives who live in safer places on high ground.

“A lot of rain has fallen in the valleys of Mexico and it will continue to rain,” Obrador warned.

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