Home » today » Entertainment » Earthling. Kaspars Zemītis. Heartfelt conversation in the spirit of the 50th anniversary / LR3 / / Latvijas Radio

Earthling. Kaspars Zemītis. Heartfelt conversation in the spirit of the 50th anniversary / LR3 / / Latvijas Radio

This week we conduct “Atsperi” together with a guitarist Kaspar Zemīti, who will celebrate a beautiful and round anniversary – fifty on February 14!

Liene Jakovleva: Your birthday will be on the day of all lovers, and then you will definitely receive a lot of love. This will be the time when you will play music with your family: both on your birthday itself, and also on several dates in Riga and beyond. A good choice – to be on stage with your family on the anniversary!

Kaspars Zemītis: You know, I thought it was so logical. In previous years, I have met both orchestras and various excellent choirs on stage. But this time it will be just us.

I guess you’re always on stage on your birthdays?

But it only makes sense! When I was a kid, Valentine’s Day wasn’t fashionable and it was just my birthday. But now it just happens to be Valentine’s Day, and in previous years we performed with Linda Leen, who also fell in love with this date. And so the celebration continues, and this time we will all be together on stage. The most interesting thing is that I no longer have to invite another musician, because the composition of Zemīš is already complete. (laughs)

Someone said that “Zemītis und dēli” would sound cooler, but my wife Anda will also come out to sing a duet, which she sang together with Renar Kauper on my previous album. Now Anda will be able to do it with one of her sons…

The name of the concert is “Zemītis. Kaspars Zemītis. 50 reflections”. Almost like Bond. James Bond.

Well… (laughs) These are all little references. The boys have already told me – only, for God’s sake, let’s not do it the way you usually do: come up, take a flagolete and play your romantic, old music – we tear up something normal! (laughs) And I have to say that – yes, there will also be this one from the Bond feeling in this concert, and this one, the boys suggested about me – say, we want to add something energetic here, so it’s a party! Yes, and February 14th at the Music House “Daile” is already sold out, the concert will also be here on February 15th, but on February 19th we will be at the Ventspils concert hall “Latvija”, and on March 5th – at the Vidzeme concert hall “Cēsis”.

More – in the post.

The full conversation will soon be available on the public media portal lsm.lv.

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