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Earth has just survived the impact of two asteroids the size of a skyscraper

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Earth has just survived the impact of two asteroids the size of a skyscraper

news-box-content-sub"> byIqbal MarsyafeditorDenny Mahardy Aug 1, 2022

Technologue.id, Jakarta – Two asteroids the size of a skyscraper have crossed the Earth last weekend. One asteroid made its closest approach on Friday (29/7/2022) and the second whizzed the next day.

The first asteroid, dubbed 2016 CZ31, flew at around 7 p.m. ET (23.00 GMT) on Friday. NASA said the speed reached about 55,618 km / h.

Astronomers estimate the asteroid is about 122 meters across at its widest point. It is assumed that the width of the building is 40 floors. The asteroid safely passes Earth at a distance of 2.8 million kilometers from Earth, or more than seven times the average distance between Earth and the Moon.

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“This space rock approaches Earth every few years. It is predicted that the same space rock will return across Earth in January 2028,” NASA said. Live Science, Monday (1/8).

On Saturday, a second, much larger asteroid also slid past the planet. Even at a greater distance from Earth.

The asteroid named 2013 CU83 measures approximately 183 m at its widest visible point. This space rock will pass Earth at a distance of about 6.96 million km from Earth, or about 18 times the average distance between Earth and the Moon.

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