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Early Warning Signs of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is a disease that progressively affects the movement of the body. Attention on time allows improving the quality of life of people and, for this, knowing the signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s are of great relevance.

The Parkinso diseasen is a type of movement disorder, so it is considered a mental illness. It occurs when neurons do not produce enough dopamine, a chemical substance responsible for helping body movements and regulating a person’s mood.

It usually begins around the age of 60, although in some cases much earlier. And in general it affects men more than women. As for the causes, the genetic ones are more frequent.

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Know the signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s

It is not only evidenced by tremors. The Parkinson’s Foundation indicates that the sum of several symptoms alert the possible presence of Parkinson’s.

Because the signs appear slowly, it is possible to recognize the condition by considering the medical history and to treat Parkinson’s disease. Unfortunately it has no cure; but the proper medication slows down the disease Y improve the quality of life of the patient.

The signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s start on one side of the body and then both.

  1. Body tremor
    The most common that appear are involuntary tremors on the fingers, hands, jaw and lips. But also in the legs even when at rest.
  2. Limited mobility.
    In addition to stiffness throughout the body, especially joints, there is slowness of movements. An important sign is when the arms do not move when walking and the sensation of having the feet glued to the ground. Pain in the hip or shoulders is also indicative of the disease.
  3. Involuntary movements when sleeping.
    You may experience situations for more than one night in which moves, kicks, or punches while sound asleep. You may also fall out of bed while sleeping.
  4. Lack of balance and coordination.
    Watch if you feel dizziness or loss of balance when standing up. They could be symptoms of low blood pressure which may be related to Parkinson’s disease.
  5. Lack of facial expression.
    Many people do not feel it but others can alert that facial expressions do not match his mood. The face also shows the lack of blinking, a very common sign of Parkinson’s.
  6. Slouching of the back.
    Among the mobility problems begins to appear difficulty standing upright when standing.
  7. Changes in font size.
    Some people experience writing with smaller print than usual. The sudden radical change in the shape or size you write it is an early symptom of Parkinson’s disease.
  8. Alteration in the voice.
    A possible symptom is a reduction in the tone of the voice or a hoarse voice.
  9. Loss of smell
    Be on the lookout if you experience difficulty smelling certain notable foods like bananas, vinegar, or cinnamon.

As symptoms worsen, people with the disease may find it difficult to walk or do simple tasks, including chewing, swallowing, or speaking. This leads to depression and sleep disorders.

El 11 de abril se celebra el Día Mundial del Parkinson, debido al aniversario de James Parkinson, neurólogo británico que en 1817 descubrió lo que en aquel tiempo llamó parálisis agitante y hoy es el mal del Pakinson.

⚠️ Attention ⚠️ This article is informative and does not replace the need to consult with your doctor or qualified professional about possible symptoms and particular situations of your health condition.

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