May 7 the three-day early voting in the presidential elections and the referendum on the preservation of citizenship begins.

The Central Election Commission (CEC) announces where and when voters can come to vote if they cannot do so on election Sunday.

All voters in Lithuania can use the possibility of voting in advance.

Early voting will take place on May 7-9, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters can vote at any early voting location in all 60 Lithuanian municipalities, regardless of where they have declared their place of residence.

List of advance voting locations>>

Some of the voters will be visited at their locations

Voters who cannot come to polling stations for valid reasons will be given the opportunity to vote at their locations.

On May 8-10, voting will be organized in hospitals, social care and welfare institutions, military units and places of execution of sentences.

On May 10-11, members of the election commissions will organize voting in the houses of voters. Voters with disabilities, people who care for them at home, people unable to work due to illness and voters aged 70 and over can vote at home.

Voting in diplomatic missions – at the time set by them

Voting in Lithuanian diplomatic missions abroad is organized at the time set by each mission. Voters are asked to inquire about the exact voting hours at the embassy or consulate where they plan to come to vote.

Voting on election Sunday is possible throughout Lithuania

The main day of the election of the President of the Republic and the referendum on the amendment of Article 12 of the Constitution is Sunday, May 12. The doors of the polling station will open at 7 a.m. and voters will be waiting until 8 p.m. in the evening.

On election Sunday, regardless of where the voter is registered, it will be possible to vote in any polling station, in total – 1895 places throughout Lithuania.

List of electoral districts>>

It is necessary to have an identity document

CEC reminds that the most important voter’s document when going to vote is the personal identification document: passport or personal identification card. Other documents issued in the Republic of Lithuania that contain the voter’s photo and personal identification number are also suitable: driver’s license, diplomatic passport, etc.

Tips for voters

To avoid standing in queues, voters are advised to come during the morning voting hours, between 7 and 9 in the morning, when the polling stations are least crowded.

The CEC says that it understands the voters’ desire to celebrate voting, but strongly asks to avoid taking pictures of completed ballots and publicizing them on social networks. It is important to keep the voting secret at least until 20:00 on Sunday. polling stations will close and vote counting will begin.

It is safe to celebrate on social networks that a voter is going to vote or has already voted (without mentioning for whom) – this is not considered election campaigning.

The CEC kindly asks the voters to come to the aid of the election organizers – to let the elderly, people with disabilities, pregnant women or families with small children to the front of the queue at the polling stations.

Klaipėda district municipality information

– 2024-05-07 16:09:28

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