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Early treatment increases the life expectancy of children with cancer – daily economic balance

Pediatrician from FKUI Dr. Dr. Teny Tjitra Sari, SpA (K) said that in 2020, about 11 thousand children will suffer from cancer in Indonesia (Globocan data) and they need treatment as early as possible to increase their life expectancy. “Delay in diagnosis and access to treatment is one of the main factors that cause the low treatment for cancer in children in Indonesia,” said Teny in an online speech at Cipto National General Hospital Mangunkusumo (RSCM).

He said, “Early detection and detection of cancer in children is therefore the key to successful cancer treatment, the earlier it is treated, the more effective it is, and the better the chances of survival.” Although cancer in children is very rare, this does not eliminate the possibility of the disease occurring in pediatric patients. Cancer in children usually occurs when abnormal cells grow in the child’s body and spread to other parts of the body.

The doctor who currently works at RSCM Jakarta said that several types of cancer are usually found in pediatric patients, namely blood cancer and eyeball cancer. Unfortunately, only 20 – 30 percent of childhood cancer patients can be cured because many of them are treated too late by doctors. One of the reasons that childhood cancer patients receive treatment late is that the cost of treatment is very high. “The burden of childhood cancer is very high, especially in developing countries like Indonesia because the cost of cancer treatment is not simple, so sometimes high costs are required,” said Teny.

Childhood cancer is a highly feared non-communicable disease (NCD). However, by making an early detection and appropriate treatment for each symptom that appears, the chance of overcoming childhood cancer will be greater.

Therefore, parents must always be vigilant and monitor their child’s health so that they can take immediate action if suspicious symptoms are detected. Unlike adults, cancer in children cannot be avoided because pediatric patients usually already have cancer-bearing cells.

In addition, Teny said that the symptoms of cancer in children are very different, depending on the type of cancer the child is suffering from. However, there are several symptoms that often appear in children with cancer, including paleness, weakness for no apparent reason, pressure, lumps anywhere, changes in the eyes, and severe headaches.

If pediatric patients have an advanced stage of cancer, doctors usually advise them to receive palliative care to improve their quality of life. This treatment is done with actions such as reducing pain, physical, spiritual and social problems that patients are experiencing.

Although it is often aimed at people with terminal cancer, palliative care can also be started from the time the patient is diagnosed with cancer. “There (a hospital or health facility), the patient will be examined such as a CT scan or MRI, then we will provide palliative or supportive therapy according to the patient’s needs,” Teny said.

“The treatment is the same as adults, we give anticancer drugs, surgery or radiotherapy as needed, the principle is multidisciplinary,” he continued. However, Teny suggested that parents continue to teach how to healthy life for their children and eating patterns to increase the chances of curing cancer.

Not only that, a healthy lifestyle is also necessary for children with common health conditions to avoid the risk of cancer in the future. “Children still need to be taught a healthy lifestyle and food in order to avoid cancer that appears as adults,” explained Teny Tjitra.

2024-10-26 16:40:00
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