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Early Symptoms of Childhood Hepatitis Similar to Ordinary Infections, These Are What You Must Watch Out for


Along with the outbreak of mysterious hepatitis aka severe acute hepatitis whose cause is unknown, the public is constantly reminded to immediately provide appropriate treatment if a child has a series of symptoms of hepatitis.

Spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Health who is also the President Director of RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Dr. Mohammad Syahril, said that in several cases, children who died allegedly due to mysterious hepatitis were delayed in receiving proper treatment from the hospital.

“If there are complaints in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, these are early symptoms. Don’t let it get heavy. It’s getting heavy again, he will turn yellow in his eyes, his whole body, even his urine or pee is the color of tea, it’s a further symptom,” he explained in a press conference on the Update on the Development of Acute Hepatitis Cases in Indonesia, Wednesday (18/5/2022).

“If it continues, the symptoms that may arise are that one child may have a seizure. The second one is decreased consciousness. It’s a bit troublesome when it’s done. Because several cases died, the delay was referred to the hospital,” added Dr. Syahril.

Early Symptoms of Hepatitis Similar to Ordinary Infections

On another occasion, a pediatrician at the National Central General Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Dr. Fatima Safira Alatas, PhD, SpA(K) said that the early symptoms of hepatitis are similar to the symptoms of other infections in children. This is what often makes parents careless and late in referring their child to the hospital.

“The initial clinical symptoms are very decisive to see whether our child can be treated better or not. So to see the initial infection symptoms are similar to ordinary infectious diseases,” said Dr. Safira when met by detik.com, Tuesday (17/5).

“However, it may be different from the appearance of the child. If it looks like the child is very sick, he is quickly referred to a health facility, maybe the awareness of parents should be increased so that they come to the hospital faster and their child can be treated well,” he concluded.

Watch Videos “CDC urges doctors regarding the discovery of mysterious hepatitis
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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