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“Early Signs of Diabetes: Recognizing Hunger, Weight Loss, Fatigue, and More”

Posted by Enas Al-Banna

Sunday, April 23, 2023 02:00 PM

or diabetes occurs High sugar In the blood when there is too much sugar in the blood due to a lack of insulin in the body, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) The prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased dramatically in countries over the past three decades, and today, nearly 422 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. It damages our vital organs, such as the heart and kidneys, and can lead to death. Be on the lookout for some of the early signs of diabetes.

extreme hunger

according to the site ” OnlyMyHealthExtreme hunger is an early sign of diabetes because the body is unable to use the glucose in the bloodstream effectively. As a result, the human body sends signals to the brain that it needs more food, even if it has eaten recently. In diabetics, no The body can no longer make enough insulin or use it effectively, so the body can’t break down glucose in the blood and use it for energy.This causes extreme hunger because the body is starving and needs more energy.

Weight loss

Weight loss is an early sign of diabetes because the body is unable to process glucose properly and begins to break down muscle and fat for energy. When the body breaks down fat, it releases chemicals called ketones, which can cause weight loss. In addition, diabetes can cause increased thirst and urination, which can lead to dehydration and even greater weight loss.


Fatigue is an early sign of diabetes because it can be caused by high blood sugar levels. When your body can’t use glucose (sugar) effectively, it doesn’t have enough energy to fuel your body. This can lead to extreme tiredness and fatigue. If you are If you are tired, it is important to talk to your doctor and monitor your blood sugar levels.

blurred vision

Blurred vision is an early sign of diabetes because high levels of blood sugar can cause fluid to withdraw from the lenses of the eyes, making it difficult to focus. This can lead to blurry or double vision. If diabetes is not treated, it can also cause more serious eye problems, such as glaucoma and cataracts..

Slow wound healing

Slow wound healing is a common complication of diabetes due to high blood sugar levels that damage blood vessels and impair circulation. High glucose levels can also increase inflammation, which delays healing. In addition, diabetes can lead to nerve damage. Reduced sensation in the feet, making it difficult to notice and treat minor cuts. In people with diabetes, the body’s natural ability to fight infection is impaired, making wound healing more difficult..

Increased thirst and urination

An early sign of diabetes is having to urinate a lot, especially at night. This is because your body is trying to get rid of unused glucose through urine.

2023-04-23 12:00:00

#Diabetes. #early #signs

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