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Early Detection Prevents Complications Due to Liver Damage

Jakarta, HanTer – The liver or liver plays an important role in the metabolism of the human body. Therefore, impaired liver function can have an impact on disrupting the function of other body organs.

Liver disorders can be caused by various things, ranging from fatty liver, viral infections, alcoholism, exposure to toxic chemical compounds (toxic hepatitis), disorders of liver cells (cholestasis), the presence of liver cancer to an unhealthy lifestyle which is the cause of damage to the liver. liver organ.

For this reason, early detection and appropriate treatment need to be carried out to prevent the risk of serious complications. “Broken liver organ This is triggered by people’s laziness in carrying out early detection and continuing to lead an unhealthy lifestyle,” explained Dr. Andrew Waleleng Sp.PD, from Siloam Hospitals Manado, in a written statement received, Monday (8/8/2022).

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According to Andrew Waleleng, in patients there are a number of characteristics and symptoms that occur when: liver organ experiencing damage, namely the eyes become yellow (Jaundice), often experience abdominal pain and the shape of the stomach is getting bigger (Swollen Abodemen), nausea and vomiting on an ongoing basis to experience drastic weight loss.

“If it is already in the stage of damage, then treatment can be done in the form of antivirals for liver disease caused by viruses or taking medication for symptoms that appear, or even surgery and transplantation if cirrhosis or liver failure has occurred,” he said.

In a public education activity entitled ‘Don’t Underestimate Heartache’ held by Siloam Hospitals Manado in the series of World Hepatitis Day commemorations, Andrew explained that liver organ is an organ that is very important in regulating the balance of the body.

This organ is brownish red in color and is located under the right diaphragm, protected by the lower part of the right rib with normal conditions, supple and a smooth surface.

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