It can be seen that Madiun City Health Office staff routinely carry out mobile VCT, to identify groups of people who are at risk of being infected with HIV/AIDS in Madiun City. [sudarno/bhirawa]
City of Madison, Bhirawa.
The Madiun City Government through the Population Control Health Office, and the City of Madiun Family Planning routinely conduct mobile VCT or mobile voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) in several locations targeting at-risk groups.
As was done by officers from the Demangan Health Center who held checks or screenings in several cafes in the area of the local health center. From the screening results, as many as 61 people tested negative.
“Our task as executors is to find groups of people who are at risk of being infected with HIV/AIDS. Then we intervene for follow-up tests, provide assistance and also treatment, “explained the Head of the Demangan Health Center, Puspitasari.
Separately, the Sub-Coordinator for the Management of Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease Services at the Madiun City Health, Population Control and Family Planning Office, Tri Wahyuning Novitasari explained, mobile VCT is routinely carried out by his party as an early detection of key populations or vulnerable communities.
“Such as female sex workers (WPS), waria, men who have sex with men (MSM), and injecting drug users (IDU), as well as prisoners in prisons. Indeed, this activity must be carried out regularly, “he said.
In one year, his team conducts mobile VCT with the target of key populations checking at least two to three times. So far according to Vita, Tri Wahyuning Novitasari’s nickname, all parties who have been examined have been quite cooperative.
“They are cooperative in examining employees. Some even asked to be examined. With this awareness, we hope to reduce the risk of transmission,” he concluded. [dar.gat]