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“Early closure”, there was nothing to do, dramatic fate

It’s not a good time for Rai, especially for Rai 2 which risks seeing the early closure of one of its programmes. Producers and conductors are in total panic, but the decision now seems to have been taken: the ratings are too low to continue

An unannounced disaster this time for one of the new Rai programs. The early closure of a new transmission is expected, a format never seen before which, however, seems to have been a real hole in the water.

Anthony DiBellajournalist, he became director of Rai for the “Insights” genre just this year and already he finds himself having to deal with a very thorny issue. It is in fact he who will have to make the difficult decision regarding the program, whether to suspend it or continue and risk everything. The ratings numbers and low earnings are alarming and the decision appears to be obvious.

The presenter is obviously shocked by the situation and is hoping the program survives. However, the chances of it remaining on the air are slim.

Rai 2 trembles: the decision now seems to have been made

Even the flagship network has to economize and unfortunately is forced to close one of the new Rai 2 formats. A very painful choiceabove all because the presenter’s disappointment is great and no one would have ever expected a failure on her part.

The person in question is Ilaria D’Amicohighly regarded broadcast journalist in the industry who has hosted several successful programs in the past and also in recent years. This time, however, something went wrong and the presenter failed to win over the audience: his program will be closed.

It’s about the transmission “What’s new”launched in 2020, therefore relatively young. The project, which had started with the best intentions, it turned out to be a failure instead and Rai is still trying to understand the reasons behind this bad situation.


According to Dagospia, Antonio di Bella has the task of making the final decision on the fate of the program. Unfortunately the numbers speak for themselves: the episodes recorded an average share of 1.65%.really too low. The costs of the program are also expensive, given that the presenter alone earns 13,000 euros per episode. Crazy figures that reach 140,000 euros for a single bet.

Di Bella is trying to figure out what to do: first he would like to try to reduce costs and then, if there really was nothing to do, the transmission would close. The new season should begin on November 24 and includes 24 episodes, but at too high costs there may be a cut or even complete closure.

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