Home » Health » Ear Nose Throat Specialist Dismisses Notion of Micin Worsening Tonsillitis: University of Indonesia Graduate Dr. Abdillah Hasbi Assadyk, Sp.THTBKL, MPH Explains Causes and Prevention of Tonsillitis

Ear Nose Throat Specialist Dismisses Notion of Micin Worsening Tonsillitis: University of Indonesia Graduate Dr. Abdillah Hasbi Assadyk, Sp.THTBKL, MPH Explains Causes and Prevention of Tonsillitis

Ear nose throat specialist in head and neck surgery, graduate of the University of Indonesia (UI), Dr. Abdillah Hasbi Assadyk, Sp.THTBKL, MPH dismissed the notion that micin or flavorings can worsen tonsillitis.

According to him, inflammation of the tonsils or tonsillitis can only occur if a person or patient is exposed to a virus or germ, resulting in inflammation in the body.

“Snacks, seasonings such as micin are inanimate objects. They will not cause infection, infection can only occur because of the presence of germs,” ​​said doctor Hasbi in the webinar he attended, Monday.

If, for example, inflammation of the tonsils occurs after eating or drinking something, it is very likely that the processing of the food or drink was unhygienic.

The condition of tonsillitis is also supported by the condition if a person is not in top condition or has a weak immune system.

When these two conditions meet, namely viruses or germs manage to enter the body through food or drink as an intermediary and the body’s condition is not optimal, tonsillitis can occur easily.

“So even though the food is brought from home, if the person making it doesn’t wash their hands, has a cold, then holding it here and there is included

hold the food most likely the tonsils are inflamed. “So it’s not from the spices,” said the doctor who practices at Medistra Hospital in Jakarta.

He also gave tips so that a person can avoid tonsillitis, namely by keeping the body’s immune system strong by keeping the body active and avoiding infection.

According to him, a clean and healthy lifestyle is one of the keys to keeping the tonsils from becoming inflamed.

This news was published on Antaranews.com with the title: Experts use micin to make tonsillitis worse

Reporter: Livia Kristianti

Editor: Zaenal A.

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News West Java 2024

2024-01-23 01:00:00
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