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EA fires staff in connection with giving up FIFA license

EA not only kicks balls, they also kick staff.

Last week it was officially that EA Sports and FIFA are going their separate ways after 30 years of cooperation. Unfortunately, it seems that the effect of this decision also affects the workforce at EA. About a hundred people who worked in support of the FIFA franchise have been fired from their offices in Austin.

According to Kotaku, internal emails are gossiping that the dismissals are very much due to the break-up between EA and FIFA. In connection with EA from 2023 renaming the football series to EA Sports FC, they will outsource the support work instead of having it internally.

Joel Knutson wrote this one of the emails that leaked.

“We continuously evolve to deliver better experiences for our fans and are improving our support model. In order to reduce complexity and increase our efficiency, flexibility and scalability roles will be eliminated in Austin.”

Kotaku asked EA about the reason for the cuts and they replied:

“We’re always thinking about how we improve our player experience, and this includes reviewing how we can best provide the support they may need to enjoy them fully. With this in mind we have proposed some changes in our customer support function to give more flexibility and allow us to help players when they need it most. As part of this process we are considering changing a number of roles within the team, closing some roles and also creating new ones. We are working closely with our people throughout this process and are providing support to anyone whose role is impacted.”

It is not uncommon for companies to take care of reorganization when there is a major change, but it is always sad when people lose their jobs.

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