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E18 water leak: Road closure and boil water advisory in Oslo

– There was a major water leak which meant that E18 out of Oslo was closed, says operations manager at the Oslo police district Eirik Sandnes to NRK.

The leak occurred on Sandviksveien between Blommenholm and Sandvika at midnight on the night of Sunday.

The cause of the leak is not yet known.

E18, in the direction of Drammen, was closed for a period because a number of drains had to be cleaned, so that they could remove snow, ice and water from the roadway.

After a short time, one lane was opened. Early on Sunday morning, the police in Oslo report that the E18 in Sandvika is open to normal traffic.

Photo: Kristoffer Hagen

Boil the water

Several households in the Høvik area lost water after the water leak.

Senior engineer Mette Aavatsmark in Bærum municipality says The messenger that she considers herself happy that the leak happened on a night with temperatures around zero degrees and not on a day with minus 20.

When the water is back, it must be boiled for the first 24 hours.

– All those who lost their water last night will now have to boil their water for the next 24 hours. I am going to alert quite a large area about cooking recommendation. says senior engineer Aavatsmark to the newspaper.

All those affected must have been notified by SMS.

– When a water pipe loses pressure, dirt and impurities will enter the pipe, says Aavatsmark.

The water blocks the entire Sandviksveien and the water from here runs down the E18.

Photo: NTB
2023-12-31 04:02:53

#E18 #Oslo #closed #water #leak

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