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E-shops are not catching up and it will be worse. With the help of the Mail Order, they want to succeed in the world

The shipyard is changing its vision after ten years of operation. The needs of e-commerce have changed and the company wants to keep up. A new challenge for a leading logistics and technological company is to help Czech e-shops abroad.

“We will remain a platform for online stores, so we do not plan to sell goods, but we plan a range of support services for them. It is an export support, it is digital services, such as address validation and data processing, we follow the path of virtual services for e-shops, pricing processing, “explains Simona Kijonková for SZ Business plans for the next period, with selected partners already preparing specific projects.

According to the co-owner of the Packeta group, Czech online stores should be more competitive. Not only within the European Union, but also overseas, Dubai and Russia. In short, in more complex markets.

“Packet is already everywhere, we transport shipments there from the Czech Republic and we will go this way next year. We want to help them in local markets and in third countries by connecting to local price comparators, connecting to marketplacy, such online marketplaces as we know from Europe, helping them with pricing so that they succeed in Russia or the USA, “says the woman who leads The consignment house, and therefore Packet, every year to a jump in sales and volume of shipments. This year it will be 129 percent compared to last year.

They will rule the Middle East within 3 months

The group is currently entering new markets in the Middle East. The gateway for it is its own representation in Dubai, cooperation with local clients, logistics companies and infrastructure is in place. The group wants to score in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and others.

“So yes, we’re starting. And we start humbly. In the first quarter of next year, we will enable Czech companies to ship to the Middle East, which will be very interesting, and we will thus become one of the few players who also operate in the Middle East within e-commerce logistics. It will be far more complicated for us than any country in the European Union or beyond, it will be a very difficult dimension for us. I come to the Middle East with great humility, because the customer is different, “says Simona Kijonková, adding that, among other things, they are completing the preparation of mobile applications in the local languages ​​in the group.

Acquisition of Packets for the expansion of services

Trayto (September 2020)

– Ostrava technology company, formerly known as BiddingTools Group

– specializes in automation of offers in comparators of goods such as Heureka or Zboží.cz in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Zavezu.cz (December 2019)

– community courier service

– connects users who are already going somewhere with those who need to bring something

– focused on the logistics of things that are difficult to transport, such as furniture, tires, etc.


“It’s definitely not like we want to jump to the Middle East and build a logistics leader there. There are several multinational companies operating there, we will be more of an intermediary. We have already mastered the bureaucratic simil, because it is not entirely easy to start a new business during the covid period, “he adds.

Details Kijonková was catching up at a distance during the coronavirus pandemic. She could not travel to Dubai first, then with complications.

Similarly, the group wants to strengthen in Russia and the USA, where it has a representation, but only one or two.

There is no e-shop “with which we would not cooperate”

In the Czech Republic, Packeta cooperates with the entire e-commerce industry. According to the boss of a successful company, there is no online store with which they would not cooperate. “Now we have signed a cooperation with Datart, this is our new client, but I am happy for cooperation with everyone, even the little ones. But what is interesting, we are starting to work with e-shops throughout the EU, we have entities in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. If I had to name essential players, then in Poland E-shoes, in Slovakia, for example, the Dráčik toy store, “Kijonková lists new partners.

A quarter of Czech e-commerce money is spent by Zásilkovna

Czech e-commerce has grown by a third this year and will exceed 200 billion crowns. According to Simona Kijonková, 50 billion of that will be rolled by Zásilkovná. He is clear about whether it will be even more next year.

“It will turn out that way, because we also planned the growth of the entire Packet by 100 percent and it will be 129, this year’s Christmas is specific, we call it a covid Christmas. Customers turn to the Internet and buy goods there that they did not buy there before, such as clothes, shoes, food or prescription glasses. We see an increase of 30 percent in goods that used to be tested today and are not afraid of it today, ”explains one of the most successful women in Czech business for SZ Byznys.

He expects further growth in e-commerce by a quarter.

He carefully plans to grow in his own company. He leaves nothing to chance. “It’s not about saying how much we’re going to grow, but we’re going to say we’re going to grow by 100 percent, and then we’ll talk about how we can do that,” says the woman, whose company was in controlled loss for years. attacks the turnover of two and a half billion crowns.

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