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E-Mail an… Ruth Beckermann | epd Film

The first film you saw in the cinema?

I can’t remember, it was probably a Disney film. Impressive cinema found me
at home, when a friend of my parents came with his Super 8 projector and showed us short films by Charlie Chaplin.

Which movie do you watch over and over again?

»Casablanca«. Pure romance! »Sans Soleil«. Pure intelligence!

Which series are you currently following?


What film impressed you most recently?

“Don’t expect too much from the end of the world” by Radu Jude. Intelligent, entertaining and economical.

A film you look forward to…

The next one I’ll look at.

Your favorite actor/actress?

Jeanne Moreau. She can do anything and doesn’t even have to smile.

Who or what is underestimated?

Documentary film. Many people talk about “documentaries” and mean TV formats, i.e. mostly reports. Documentaries made for the cinema have a personal style and a cinematic dramaturgy.

A favorite movie that’s a little embarrassing?

Embarrassing? In front of whom?

What do you collect?

The love stories of my friends.

Your life motto? Or favorite quote?

Let yourself be surprised!

The best seat in the cinema?

Where the acoustics are best.

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