The already traditional nature festival “Mid of the woods” invites you to experience the awakening nature of Dzūkija with you this year. The festival will take place on the last weekend of April (2024.04.27-28), in a special place – on the side of the Čepkelais reserve, in Marcinkonyse and its surroundings. There are nature exploration and experiential activities, talks and, of course, a market of local Dzuk artisans, farmers and food producers. This year, the main theme of the “Vidur girių” festival is the relationship between man and the forest.
No one doubts the importance of forests – they are extremely valuable habitats for many species of animals and plants. Trees also clean the air, store CO2 and thus help mitigate climate change. In the forests, people collect various goods – mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs. However, the spiritual side of this relationship with the forest is no less important. This year, the relationship between man and forest was included in the Compendium of Intangible Cultural Heritage Values. The initiator of this event, archaeologist dr. Vykintas Vaitkevičius states: “The holy connection between man and the forest is characteristic of the religion of the Balts. Lithuanian folklore is full of examples of the empathetic connection between forest and man: songs, tales, sagas, small genres of folklore. In this context, the forest becomes for man a place of many states, emotions and experiences, which also provides health, refreshes the spirit, allows expansion and encourages creativity. And in today’s world, no one doubts that a visit to the forest is equivalent to therapy.”
The festival “In the middle of the woods” will invite you to a conversation about the relationship between man and the forest, its value, and will seek to better understand what it means to include this phenomenon in the compendium of values of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, what new opportunities and responsibilities open up in this place. The festival will not lack activities to learn about nature, both about the forest and its inhabitants – participants are invited to go on educational hikes about mushrooms, birds, and listen to the sounds around us. Naturalists will tell about unconventional nature management works that are implemented in Dzūkija National Park – open dune. The participants of the festival will have a great opportunity to get to know dzuki traditions more deeply – to participate in dzuki bands, wax candles, and straw garden surfing educations. You can hear directly from Marcinkoniški about the traditions of mushroom picking and wood beekeeping. The braver ones will be able to try climbing on an ancient beekeeper’s ladder or climbing ropes. It will be possible to share fence stakes or bales with local craftsmen, make a nest or a bracelet from birch bark! At the festival market, everyone will find something suitable for themselves – souvenirs, original works, delicacies, cozy conversations.

In the evening, everyone is invited to warm up together by the fire with conversations, local stories and songs. An overnight stay in a tent on the shore of Kastini Lake or in a separate campsite in the open air is the best way to open the season of nature tourism. Early in the morning is the highlight of the festival: a hike to Čepkelės meadows and listening to gray cranes, lutes and other morning sounds of nature. This is a unique opportunity and an enchanting experience.
“The first “Mid of the Groves” took place exactly 10 years ago. Although several events did not take place due to the pandemic and other disturbances, and this is the 7th outdoor festival organized by the Baltic Environment Forum, Dzūkija National Park and Čepkelais State Nature Reserve Directorate, we still consider it an anniversary event and invite everyone to actively participate. During these years, the festival grew, expanded and became a unique event, bringing together people who care about nature and Dzūkija. We invite you to continue this tradition,” says event coordinator Justas Gulbinas.
Food produced by the local community will be available for purchase at the festival. Participants are invited to take care of nature – avoid single-use plastic dishes and bring their own, otherwise they will have to pay a “conscience tax”. The organizers of the festival invite you to go to “Vidur girių” in the most friendly way possible – to cooperate and travel in full cars, trains, buses.
A detailed program and registration for activities can be found
#Dzūkai #opens #season #natural #tourism #invites #festival #middle #forest
– 2024-04-17 18:02:45