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Dzhikhangir’s disease from the series “The Magnificent Century”, which frightened Suleiman and Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska

What was sick of Jihangir and what could be the cause of the disease?

As we know from the series, Jihangir is the son of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska and this is her last child. He was born with some pathology, but maybe not only him. If we turn to history, we can find out that in fact Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska was still the son of Abdullah. He died in early childhood. This was the third child, and most likely he, like Jihangir, also had some kind of illness.

Why was Jihangir born sick?

As we saw in the series, a certain disease was discovered in Dzhikhangir, but this can not be explained in any way, and in principle this is impossible, because medicine in those days left much to be desired. If we consider the disease of Jihangir from the point of view of modern medicine, then it would be called “spinal dysraphism.” At the current level of development of medicine, this pathology can be detected at an early stage of pregnancy using ultrasound, but in those days, of course, there were no such opportunities. Accordingly, this problem appeared in Jihangir when he was in the womb. What could be the reason for such a violation?

One of the reasons may be the genetics of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska herself. Even in our time, children are not safe from such an ailment. The thing is the lack of one of the very important trace elements, namely folic acid. Folic acid is found in many foods. As you know, in the harem there were no problems with food, but women in position do not always eat what they need, but rather what they want. In our time, we can always resort to the help of various kinds of synthetic vitamins, but in those days there were some problems with this.

Another reason may be the age of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. She gave birth to Jihangir not at an old age, because she was about 30 years old, but sometimes this is enough for a child to have any kind of pathology, because the older the woman, the less chance of having a healthy baby.

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What problems fell on Jihangir due to illness?

In terms of reliability, the series pretty accurately showed the appearance of Jihangir and he really could look like that. In reality, this kind of disease is manifested not only visually. Due to problems with the spine, Jihangir experienced constant severe pain, and there could also be failures of all organs of the body.

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