Home » today » World » Dzhemilev said how the attempt to cut through the land corridor to Crimea will end for Russia | Politics

Dzhemilev said how the attempt to cut through the land corridor to Crimea will end for Russia | Politics

People’s Deputy, leader of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev said that Russia will face huge losses if it decides to attack Ukraine in order to cut through the land corridor to Crimea and let water there.

As he said in an interview “Telegraph”, the threat of an invasion of Ukraine in order to seize the territory from the Crimea to the Kakhovka reservoir seems realistic only theoretically.

“An attempt to implement it will entail colossal losses for Russia, not only material, but also human. After all, today’s Ukraine is no longer what it was in 2014. Now it has a 250,000-strong army, plus about a million reservists, including about 150 thousands with combat experience. There are more than 600 multiple launch rocket systems, and so on. Therefore, the Russians will certainly not be able to take an easy walk to Kakhovka, “said Dzhemilev.

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Not to mention the reaction of the world community, which could cost Russia a lot, he added.

“However, if we consider that nowadays people are in power in Russia who are guided not by the interests of their country, but by some medieval imperial ambitions, then we can expect anything. Therefore, Ukraine should be ready for any development of events,” the people’s deputy stressed.

According to him, the Dnieper water provided the Crimea by 85%.

“Russian projects for drilling new wells, desalination of seawater, Putin’s fantastic proposal to get fresh water from the bottom of the Sea of ​​Azov and so on, even if they are implemented, can only partially solve the problem,” Dzhemilev said.

He assured that it would definitely not be possible to restore the ruined irrigated agriculture in Crimea, and the immense pumping of groundwater would only aggravate the ecological situation.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, earlier Dzhemilev said that the situation in Crimea is now not very touristy… First of all, the discomfort due to lack of water, but the Russians themselves exacerbate this problem.

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