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Dynamos oldies do their magic at Sportfreunde 01 Dresden

Dresden. 120 years of Sportfreunde 01 Dresden – that was celebrated on the weekend in the north of the state capital. The highlight of the club’s anniversary was the game of the Sportfreunde-Oldies against a troupe of old Dynamo stars, which was looked after by Christoph Franke, on Saturday afternoon. Sportfreunde Vice President Maik Hebenstreit, once a kit manager for the Black-Yellows, let his old contacts play and invited a well-known Dynamo team.


Ex-GDR selection player Matthias Müller (66) played with the former professionals, flanked by many younger players such as Nikica Maglica, Thomas Neubert, Frank Paulus, Christian Fröhlich, Ronny Scholze, Denis Koslov, Enrico Keller, Steffen Dörner and Tom Hagemann . In addition, celebrity host Karl-Heinz Bellmann, Boris Lucic (once at FSV Zwickau, Saxony Leipzig, DSC and Laubegast) and ex-FCK player and ex-Aue sports director Steffen Ziffert strengthened the Dynamo oldies. SGD President Holger Scholze also came by to congratulate the sports fans and brought a current Dynamo jersey as a gift. The 49-year-old only watched the game, did not tie the pots himself.

CLICK THROUGH: The highlight for the club’s anniversary “120 years of Sportfreunde Dresden 01”

Christoph Franke before the game.


The Franke ensemble performed magic in front of about 100 spectators on Meschwitzstrasse and scored plenty of goals against the brave hosts: it was 15: 1 at the end of the encounter, which all those involved and the audience clearly enjoyed. The best shooter was Thomas Neubert, who quickly scored two goals for a 2-0 lead. The long striker scored a total of six goals, midfield ace Fröhlich was successful three times. Koslov (2), Scholze (2), Maglica and Hagemann also met. Lars Hoffmann made the score 1: 4 for the sports fans.

It came as no surprise to Christoph Franke that the stars of yore won. The 76-year-old joked: “The four weeks of training were really worth it.” The Burkhardtsdorfer, in 2002 and 2004 twice Dynamo was promoted and since then a living memorial for the Dresden football fans, was happy to see many of his former players again: “I was amazed that one or the other can play football so well.” The former coach of Dynamo and Chemnitz wanted to highlight one FC not: “Anyone who looked here saw who was particularly good.”

Also noteworthy was the minute’s silence that both teams and the spectators observed shortly after the start of the game: They remembered Borea sports director Elvir Jugo, who died of stomach cancer on Thursday night. Some actors had worked or even played with the Bosnian, who was only 42 years old, at Borea / FV Nord or in Pirna-Copitz.

Sportfreunde-01-Vice-President Hebenstreit was relieved after the otherwise all-round fun encounter that no player was injured and everyone was happy: “It was wonderful, everything worked out. It was a nice thing – the whole thing too. The people are satisfied, the weather played along after the previous days. ”He was also pleased that the ceremony with invited guests from the city administration and from the sponsors as well as honorary members on Friday evening in the Chamber of Crafts was a successful affair. It was not yet possible to celebrate in the new clubhouse, because it should not be finished until December 24th. The construction work there is obviously on schedule: “It looks like the deadline is to be kept,” said Hebenstreit, who with his colleagues had also organized a youth tournament and a game for the first men’s team.

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