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Dutchman awarded at iPhone Photography Awards 2020 – One More Thing

The winners of the iPhone Photography Awards 2020 were presented today. This is a annual, independent awards for the very best photos by iPhone photographers from all over the world. Everyone can participate and this year there are two special features.

First of all, a Dutchman has won awards. Photographer Nico Brons took second place in the category Landscapes with a beautiful photo of the dunes in Zeeland. The winner in the category People is a photo taken with an iPhone 4. You read that right, a device from 2010 can also hold its own!

iPhone Photography Awards 2020: the winners

The winners from this year have been selected from over 20 countries around the world. Dozens of winning photos reflect powerful world views, from vast landscapes to a single tree, from city streets to deserted desolation, from toil and hardship to a private moment in the sun.

iPhone Photographer of the Year: Dimpy Bhalotia

Dimpy Bhalotia from the UK can call herself iPhone Photographer of the Year. She takes the main prize with her photo “Flying Boys”. We see three boys jumping from a wall in the river Ganges (India). She says she is in love with black and white photography.

Click / tap for larger. (Image: IPPAWARDS)

First place: Artyom Baryshau

Artyom Baryshau from Belarus is in first place with the colorful photo “No Walls”. We see a wall with blue stripes that fade into an even bluer sky. Baryshau is not a professional photographer, but was born with photography. At an early age, his father showed him how a photo was developed in the darkest room of the house.

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Click / tap for larger. (Image: IPPAWARDS)

Second place: Geli Zhao

The somewhat mysterious Chinese iPhone photographer Geli Zhao is in second place. He has not given his photo a title and has not provided a backstory about himself, but has made a beautiful picture with his iPhone. That’s what it’s all about.

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Click / tap for larger. (Image: IPPAWARDS)

Third place: Saif Hussain

Saif Hussain from Iraq takes third place with the photo “Sheikh Of Youth”. It is a rather imperfect portrait of an older man, which makes it a very interesting photo.

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Click / tap for larger. (Image: IPPAWARDS)

Shot on iPhone 4

There is a special mention for the winner in the “People” category. Omar Lucas from Peru stood out with this photo, taken on a more than ten year old iPhone 4. Three women from the southern part of Peru proudly wear the made by them llicllas.

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Click / tap for larger. (Image: IPPAWARDS)

Dutch success

Dutch photographer Nico Brons has secured second place in the “Landscape” category with his beautiful photo of the dunes in Zeeland. He says: “I have been taking photos with a smartphone since the iPhone 3. I’ve been taking my vacation photos with the iPhone for years. The inspiration came naturally from the beautiful landscape and the beautiful light. Take a nice walk on the beach and find beautiful places for a photo! ”

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Click / tap for larger. (Image: IPPAWARDS)

Entries iPhone Photography Awards 2021 open

It is now possible to register for the iPhone Photography Awards of 2021. The conditions for participating are relatively simple: the photo must have been taken with an iOS device -iPhone or iPad- and never published before. Except on a personal account like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Finally, editing on the desktop is not allowed, but all iOS applications can be used.

Participation is paid and costs $ 5.50 for one photo, $ 12.50 for three, and $ 18.50 for five entries. Remember, the competition has several categories, including architecture, scenery, portrait, travel or trees.

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