Home » today » Business » Dutch webshop Coolblue develops its own crypto, with the approval of Sinterklaas! » Crypto Insiders

Dutch webshop Coolblue develops its own crypto, with the approval of Sinterklaas! » Crypto Insiders

Coolblue, the well-known Dutch webshop, has reportedly developed its own cryptocurrency! In an advertising video, the company states “to get fully into crypto.” Unfortunately, it is not really what we had hoped for, because the payment method is called “Pay Per Note,” a nod to the gingerbread that becomes completely clear as soon as our holy man appears on the screen!

The video shows all kinds of hints to crypto. For example, we see the Dogecoin (DOGE) logo in the background and crypto is mentioned several times. It’s all part of a genius marketing stunt in which customers can now pay with Pay Per Note. What it comes down to is that customers can submit poems (notes) and win a product of their choice. Of course, this has nothing to do with crypto itself. But is it perhaps an early sign that Coolblue will actually enable crypto payments in the near future?

In the end, Sinterklaas rightly wonders whether this crypto is good for the environment, which is another nod to the reports about Bitcoin (BTC). The miners of the Bitcoin network consume enormous amounts of power and that caused fierce criticism at the beginning of this year. But no, this Pay Per Note cryptocurrency is very good for the environment, because they are organic!

Crypto is nothing new for Coolblue, by the way. On the website you can already find extensive information about crypto wallets. You can read about the different Ledger wallets and tips on how to best store your crypto! Of course you can also buy crypto wallets.

All in all, a funny advertising stunt with a big wink to crypto. It just goes to show how far the adoption of crypto has progressed, and that there is probably much more to come! Do you already have a Ledger wallet on your wish list?

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