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Dutch singers share open letter: ‘Almost every one of us has one or more stories to tell’

Almost 30 Dutch singers, including Aafke Romeijn and The voicejury member Glennis Grace, have signed an open letter in which they address cross-border behavior within their sector. The letter was published by 3voor12, the music platform of the public broadcaster.

‘Almost every one of us has one or more stories to tell. About the producer who suddenly pulled out his dick, or the manager fifteen years older who entered into a relationship with you when you were eighteen. The fellow artist who put his hand on your buttocks. The radio producer who made inappropriate comments. Or the talent show coach who was suddenly after you.’

In a open letter, which the public broadcaster 3voor12 published, nearly 30 Dutch singers denounce cross-border behavior within their sector. They do that in imitation of the scandal that broke loose after the documentary about sexual abuse behind the scenes of talent show The voice. “Your first big chance immediately feels like your only big chance,” they write. For too many women, moments of disillusionment follow, in which ‘nice and cool guys’ turn out to be not very reliable, it sounds like.

Voice judge Glennis Grace signed the letter.

Photo: photo: Anneke Janssen

The women also raise the difficulty of addressing someone about wrongdoing. They write that they learn to minimize incidents and laugh away, ‘otherwise you won’t survive in this world where at many times you are the only woman in the room’. Moreover, they are aware that image is everything in the entertainment sector. Anyone who opens her mouth to the press will be asked again and again about incidents. ‘And before you know it, you’re ‘that singer who was abused once’, or worse, ‘that sour feminist.’ In addition, your story will easily be questioned.


The singers propose a number of measures to create a safer working environment. For example, there is a need for a hotline for cross-border behavior within the sector where all information can be collected and where action can then be taken: ‘such as going to someone’s label or publisher when there are multiple complaints about inappropriate comments, so that someone responds to it. can be addressed’.

In addition, they ask for ‘trained and authorized independent confidants’ from labels and publishers. Those players must also provide support for starting singers, so that they know what to do when certain situations arise and who they can turn to. Men within the industry should be given training on sexually transgressive behaviour. “Probably this won’t solve the problem yet, but it’s a start.”

The letter was signed by Aafke Romeijn, Amber Delil, Aysha de Groot (Meis), Celine Cairo, Charlotte Wessels, Claudia de Breij, Danique Ruby, Danique van der Vlugt (KUZKO, Dragonfruit), Diede Claesen, Esmée Denters, Glennis Grace, Hadewych Minis, Jantine Heij, Jeanne Rouwendaal (WIES), Johanneke Kranendonk (Jo Marches), Judith Rijsenbrij (PuntJudith), Judy Blank, Kirsten Berkx (Lady Dandelion), Lakshmi Swami Persaud, Laura Brook, Laura Jansen, Linde Schöne, Melissa Lopes , Renée Rijpstra (GINGE), Renée Wijnhoven (Clean Pete), Rita Zipora, Roos Blufpand, Roufaida Aboutaleb, and Sophia Schutte.

after scandal The voice the Netherlands cannot go back to business as usual. Listen to the podcast

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