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Dutch man arrested for shooting in Marbella nightclub | Abroad

“The Dutch man shot around after he was attacked in the disco by someone with an ‘arma blanca’: a knife,” a spokesperson for the Policia Nacional told the Telegraaf. Then he drew his gun and fired around. He injured four people in the process.” The Dutchman himself sustained injuries to his chest and head during the stabbing, the police spokesperson said. “He is now under police guard at the Costa del Sol hospital in Marbella. He is not in mortal danger.” The two 32-year-old Irishmen who were hit by his bullets are in worse condition: they are in intensive care in the same hospital. The other two are also in hospital with injuries from the bullets.

The background of the quarrel is not yet known, the spokesperson said. “The Policia Nacional in Marbella is still investigating the matter.” Chaotic video images show how an argument breaks out. One person seems to pull a large bottle while others take off their t-shirts and seem to want to start a brawl. Soon a dull shot is heard – followed by three more shots. ‘What the fuck, what the fuck!’ a bystander shouts in panic.

According to the Spanish newspaper El Confidencial, a row broke out at 10 past 1 this morning in the popular beach club Opium, right on the boulevard of Marbella. It was very busy in the store at the time. The stabbing and shooting caused panic among those present, who tried to make their way out. A video shared on social media shows how people try to protect themselves with tables and chairs at the first shots. Others fall to the ground and let out cries of fear.

The Dutch influencer Kelly van der Minne was present at the shooting. Shortly after the event, she shared her story with her followers on Instagram. “This is simply the worst that could happen.” She continues: “We were at Club Opium and someone was shot. The girl at the table next to us just got shot in the butt. How can this happen?”

According to the influencer, at least four shots could be heard: “We lay on the ground terrified for ten minutes. (…) We got out of there as fast as we could.” The influencer says visibly upset that she and her friends are okay, but that she is very shocked: “We just saw someone liquidated before our eyes.”

El Confidencial quotes a local resident who witnessed the scene from his home. “I couldn’t sleep because of the noise of the disco and suddenly I heard four shots. I knew these weren’t fireworks – as usual. When I looked outside I saw a lot of people running fleeing the property so I called 911. Police cars and ambulances quickly arrived at the scene. I counted 18 police vehicles and at least three ambulances, but I think one had already left with a seriously injured person at the time,” he says. He says it is not the first serious incident in the nightclub.

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