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Dutch Leaders Debate: Taxes, Jobs, and Economic Policies – What You Need to Know

BBB leader Caroline van der Plas acknowledges that the plan has not yet been fully developed. This concerns the group of employees who earn up to 25,000 to 30,000 euros annually. If they no longer pay premiums and taxes, they no longer have to receive benefits. “It’s just an idea. It still needs to be developed.”

‘Fell off my chair’

D66 leader Rob Jetten accused the VVD of increasing the burden on workers, Yeşilgöz (VVD) stated that D66 is putting jobs at risk by targeting companies more heavily.

A calculation by the Central Planning Bureau (CPB) showed last week that the VVD is increasing the burden on households by 2 billion euros. “Then I almost fell off my chair,” Jetten said. “Because you always talk about the hard-working Dutchman.”

Yeşilgöz then pointed out the significant increase in taxes that D66 wants to impose on companies according to the same CPB models. “You are taking away almost 16 billion from entrepreneurs, meaning that all those hard-working Dutch people will soon have no job.”


Jetten countered that these higher charges mainly affect polluting and highly profitable companies. “These are the strongest shoulders that can really contribute more.”

In the video below, Gijs Rademaker shows the difference between rich and poor in the Netherlands:

The SP wants to free up money for those middle groups by taxing companies more, just like higher incomes. Party leader Lilian Marijnissen found it particularly difficult to explain the profits that large companies make.


This is a thorn in the side for VVD leader Dilan Yeşilgöz. She actually wants to make cuts, including on Development Cooperation. She emphasizes that the companies do provide the jobs.

PVV leader Geert Wilders also wants to take money away from companies. He also wants to cut back on climate measures and asylum seekers. For him, all this must be used again ‘to put the Dutchman first again’.

2023-11-12 22:45:18
#Cut #tax #rich #politicians #rising #costs

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