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Dutch Court Rules in Favor of Halt to F-35 Fighter Jet Parts Exports to Israel – Hope for International Turning Point

Oxfam Novib hopes that the Netherlands’ halting of exports of parts for F-35 fighter jets to Israel will be an international turning point. After the outbreak of the Gaza war, together with PAX and The Rights Forum, Oxfam Novib filed a lawsuit against the Dutch state to stop deliveries. The court in The Hague ruled in their favor today.

The director of Oxfam Novib, Michiel Servaes, calls the ruling ‘extremely good news, especially for the civilians in Gaza’. He says he is in contact with organizations that are working on similar lawsuits in other countries, including the United Kingdom.

The Center for Information and Documentation Israel (Cidi) said in a response that it believes the statement goes ‘too far’. According to the Cidi, the court is ‘sitting in the minister’s chair’ with its ruling. The Israeli Ministry of Defense declined to comment on the ruling.

Reuters – Rolien Sasse, director of PAX, and Michiel Servaes, director of Oxfam Novib, at the court hearing today.

Left-wing opposition parties, which previously urged a halt to deliveries in the House of Representatives, welcome the court’s decision. Kati Piri, foreign spokesperson for GroenLinks-PvdA, calls the decision ‘very good news’ and a ‘strong slap on the fingers of the cabinet’.

SP foreign spokesperson Sarah Dobbe says on X that the suspension of deliveries should have been done much earlier. Tomorrow, the House will vote on a motion by the SP and Denk to stop the supply of military goods to Israel, as long as the genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice is still pending. According to Dobbe, this ‘should no longer be necessary after today’s ruling’.

Thom Canters

Read the entire news item about the court’s decision here

2024-02-12 13:30:00

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