Home » today » Business » Dutch Court Orders Sperm Donor with 550+ Children to Stop Future Donations

Dutch Court Orders Sperm Donor with 550+ Children to Stop Future Donations

A Dutch court ordered Jonathan M.a donor of sperm who admits to having at least 550 biological children, to stop providing their semen to future parents to protect children from the “negative psychosocial consequences” of having “hundreds of half-siblings who did not choose”.

The Court of the Dutch city of The Hague ruled this Friday on this controversial case, denounced by a mother who gave birth to a child with the sperm of Jonathan M. and by the Donorkind Foundation, which initiated summary proceedings to stop this donor, alleging that he “unnecessarily puts” their children at risk.

“In essence, this case deals with conflicting fundamental rights. On the one hand, the right to privacy of parents and children of donors, protected by article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and, on the other hand, the same right of giving. The court is of the opinion that the interests of the children born by donation and their parents outweigh the interest of the donor to continue donating sperm to new future parents”, determined the Court.

rights issue

The complainants argued that Jonathan M. he refuses to stop this practice, despite the rules that prevent him from having more than 25 children by donation, which violates various rights, including privacy, of parents and children.

It was easy for him to circumvent the rules because the Dutch clinics do not share data between them and there is no information about agreements that are reached privately between interested parties and men who offer their sperm through online platforms and social networks, something that Jonathan also did M., who also donated semen in other countries.

In the hearing on April 13, they assured that the actions of Jonathan M.41, are dangerous, “given the scientifically proven risk of inbreeding, incest and negative psychosocial consequences for children born by donation”, and hinders the sexual freedom of “children” because they must check if a potential partner is not a his stepbrother.

For his part, Jonathan M. He invoked his “right to freely decide whether to continue donating sperm” and defended that he was not “acting for his own interest, but for the future parents, whom he wants to help”, thus denying that this “harms” those children and the parents themselves.

The donor assured that the risk of incest is “very small” because his children can know who their father is by not being an anonymous donor, and regretted having become “the face of those who donate sperm on a large scale” in the Netherlands.

“They present me as if I were some kind of rabid bull with a procreative drive. I’m not. I don’t believe in evolution, but in creation,” he defended himself in the audience. (EFE)


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2023-04-28 11:25:49
#Netherlands #prohibit #man #donating #sperm #accused #children

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