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“Dutch artist accused of fathering over 550 children through illicit sperm donations”

A few months ago the story of Jonathan M., a Dutch artist who toured more than 10 clinics in and around the Netherlands, was known. offering the service of selling his sperm for artificial insemination.

(We recommend reading: Sperm donor with 550 children will be sued by 13 different clinics).

According to local media reports at the time, the man would have violated the regulation in this type of practice that determines that a person can only donate their fluids a maximum of 25 times or help up to 12 families in the process.

Nevertheless, the subject would have been in several health centers omitting his past as a donor and posing as a person who had never participated in this type of practice.

It was at that moment when the Donorkind Foundation and one of the inseminated mothers discovered that the man had deceived several people around the world and that he would have at least 550 children that they would have been born due to that reproduction process.

Artificial insemination.

Among the arguments delivered by the organization, It is said that the man used social networks and meeting platforms to meet couples interested in conceiving a child by artificial insemination. and contacted them to offer them his sperm.

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In this regard, the indicated man said that imposing a sanction that prohibits him from donating sperm would be a “serious attack against his physical integrity” and that his lawyer will fight to achieve a ruling in favor in the hearing that is being prepared for next April 28.

For his part, the subject’s lawyer has said that Jonathan is the owner of his body and that therefore, he is free to donate sperm as many times as he wants. Likewise, he said that it is considered a “legal castration attempt” to prevent the man from continuing to do his work.

For now, The plaintiff foundation asks the government of that country to order the destruction of all the semen samples that remain in the laboratories, since if children continue to be born from the same father, cases of inbreeding or incest could occur.


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