Home » today » Business » Dutch Apple Product Chain Amac Faces Employee Action Over Sunday Allowance Cuts Ahead of Christmas Shopping Rush

Dutch Apple Product Chain Amac Faces Employee Action Over Sunday Allowance Cuts Ahead of Christmas Shopping Rush

Dec 23, 2023 at 1:36 PM Update: 29 minutes ago

Employees of the Dutch Apple products chain Amac will take action on the Sunday before Christmas, one of the busiest shopping days of the year. According to FNV director Onur Erdem, there has been no commitment from the management to reintroduce the Sunday allowance.

“That means that we will take action in various places in the country,” says the trade unionist.

He does not yet want to say exactly what these actions will look like. In any case, Amac’s fifty stores will remain open. “There will be actions in a number of stores to ask shoppers for solidarity,” says Erdem.

Amac employees were always paid 150 percent of their wages for working on Sundays. But last summer the company abolished that arrangement. FNV demands that the allowance be restored and had given the management until Saturday to do so. According to FNV, Amac is a growing company with a profit of 2.3 million euros. According to the union, a total of approximately eight hundred people work at Amac.

Amac director Ed Bindels says that reintroducing the Sunday allowance is financially unfeasible. He emphasizes that wages have already risen sharply last year and will rise further in January.

“All salaries have increased enormously, improvements have been made in employment conditions that benefit everyone, including the people who work on Sundays. That is a huge cost item, it amounts to hundreds of thousands,” says the director. According to him, the company is under “enormous pressure” to remain profitable.

According to Bindels, only a very small part of the staff only works on Sundays. “Almost everyone who works on Sundays also works during the week. And they notice the impact of the Sunday allowance much less,” says the director. According to him, store hours will have to be shortened sometime next year, “otherwise we simply can’t afford it anymore.”

Image: ANP

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2023-12-23 12:36:09
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