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Düsseldorf: The student is said to have smuggled cocaine to Australia

Düsseldorf: Student is said to have smuggled cocaine to Australia – as part of an international gang!

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March 11, 2021 at 6:48 pm-

The two defendants Marina P. and Ali Reza O. hide their faces from the photographers.  Beside them their defenders.

The two defendants Marina P. and Ali Reza O. hide their faces from the photographers. Beside them their defenders.

Photo: Metin Gülmen / DER WESTEN

Did the prospect of a trip to Australia blind you?

Marina P. (27) has been standing before the regional court since Thursday Düsseldorf. The prosecution’s allegations are tough: the student out Düsseldorf is said to have smuggled kilos of cocaine, opium, amphetamines and other drugs to Australia with a friend in October 2016 and over New Year’s Eve of the same year!

P. worked as a drug courier for a German-Iranian gang – which was active all over the world and was seized in 2018!

Düsseldorf: Student is said to have smuggled cocaine to Australia – as part of an international gang!

According to prosecutors, Marina P. is said to have known before the flight to Australia that her suitcase had been tampered with and that she was smuggling drugs across the border. The woman accepts the allegations, says:

“Just before my birthday in October 2016, a friend asked me if I could come with him to Australia as part of a gift. I shouldn’t worry about anything, the ticket, the hotel, even my passport – everything would be prepared for me. He told me that he would meet business partners there and that he needed a pretty companion. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Australia. So I agreed, it should only be two weeks. “


Organized drug smuggling:

  • In order to reduce the risk of detection, modern drug smuggling is organized according to a division of labor
  • Drugs are actually brought in by couriers, mostly through manipulated suitcases, but also by swallowing the drugs in order to excrete them again after they have been successfully smuggled
  • Punitive threats differ greatly from country to country: in Western Europe there is a comparatively mild legislation, in the Middle East and Asia, on the other hand, a high prison sentence; drug smuggling is punishable by death in China and Thailand
  • In Germany, drug smuggling is an offense against narcotics and therefore a criminal offense


When she met him in the friend’s apartment, he noticed her old suitcase. “He asked me if I wouldn’t put my things in his big suitcase. I didn’t think anything of it and I agreed ”, P. continues. From Düsseldorf it then went to Sydney via Dubai. There the entry went smoothly. “The meeting with his business friends didn’t work out and he was gone most of the time after receiving a call or a message. Most of the time I was alone on vacation. ”That’s one of the reasons why she asked for a quick return flight.

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Shortly after returning to Düsseldorf, she should fly back to Australia

But shortly after arriving in Germany, the boyfriend approached Marina P. again and offered her and her friend another double trip to Australia to celebrate New Year’s Eve. The chemistry student: “He asked us if we could not help him transport money to Australia. He wants to start a business with an American friend. We had already seen from the suitcase that it could not only contain money. It was clear to us that things were going on that weren’t kosher. But we didn’t think about it any further. “

According to the prosecutor, there were at least 900 grams of cocaine in the suitcase, and P. and her friend received a courier fee of 1,500 euros. Marina P .: “We were pulled out of the airport by the security forces, a sniffer dog had struck. I was asked why I would travel to Australia twice in such a short period of time. But nothing was found with us, we could go. “

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The next morning, her friend handed over the suitcase in the hotel’s parking garage, strangers took the drugs and in return gave around 200 euros, which the women could use to buy new suitcases. But they didn’t stay in Sydney for long: “We celebrated New Year’s Eve and shortly afterwards I noticed that my wallet had been lost. I ran out of money with that and we decided to return to Germany immediately. “


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LKA investigator unpacks through international gangs – even cooperation with Yakuza Mafia

She was not aware that she had worked for an international gang. How far their tentacles reach across the globe, however, explains Oliver Huth, head of the investigation team at the LKA: “The gang was active in a number of countries. In the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Europe, Turkey. The BKA had informed us that there had been several arrests of German citizens in Australia. They all come from NRW. “

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A policewoman from Australia came specially, as well as two colleagues from Japan, to make the dimensions of this case clear. Police authorities from the USA and the Netherlands also supported the investigators from North Rhine-Westphalia. Disguised as tourists, those arrested attracted attention due to their nervous behavior. They have also been exposed through fingerprints. A Japanese official said the drug ring also worked with criminals belonging to the yakuza mafia. Eight suspects are still in custody.

The trial of Marina P. continues.


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