Home » today » News » Dussehra 2023: Rajnath Singh celebrated Dussehra with soldiers in Tawang, effigies of Sanatan opponents including Ravana will be burnt in Delhi.

Dussehra 2023: Rajnath Singh celebrated Dussehra with soldiers in Tawang, effigies of Sanatan opponents including Ravana will be burnt in Delhi.

New Delhi. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh today paid tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives at the war memorial on the border with China in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh on the occasion of Dussehra. Along with this, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh inspected the Chinese PLA posts on the other side of the border from Bum La in Arunachal Pradesh. In Arunachal Pradesh, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh performed Shastra Puja in Tawang on Vijayadashami. At the same time, preparations for Dussehra celebrations at Red Fort grounds in Delhi are almost complete. Huge effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakaran and Meghnath have been prepared. For Dussehra, effigies of those who oppose Sanatan Dharma including Ravana, Meghnad and Kumbhkaran have also been set up for burning in the Red Fort grounds of Delhi.

While addressing the Indian Army in Tawang, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said that ‘AAP has kept the borders safe. For this reason, India’s prestige in the international world is increasing very fast… If you people had not kept the international borders safe, India would not have achieved the stature it has today in the international world. People are believing that India is becoming economically stronger and India’s military power has also increased. In Tawang, Rajnath Singh said that ‘I came here 4 years ago, I wished to come among my brave soldiers and wish them on the auspicious occasion of Vijayadashami.’

Rajnath Singh said, ‘I congratulate all of you on Vijayadashami and best wishes. I have gone near LAC and seen it. The difficult circumstances in which you are fulfilling the responsibility of protecting the country’s borders cannot be appreciated enough. Rajnath Singh celebrated Dussehra with troops at a strategically important location along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) at a time when India and China have been locked in a standoff for more than three years at some of the friction points in eastern Ladakh. . Whereas both sides have completed the process of withdrawing troops from many areas after extensive diplomatic and military talks.

‘Some people do not want to see the progress of the country, they oppose India by staying in India’ – RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat in Vijayadashami program

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India has been saying that its relations with China cannot be normal unless there is peace in the border areas. The Army has significantly increased the deployment of troops and weapons along the nearly 3,500 km long LAC, including various areas of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, following the eastern Ladakh standoff.

Tags: Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, Dussehra, Dussehra Festival, Rajnath Singh

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