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Durlangen has to pay a larger share of the renovation of the town hall and fire station

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Durlangen from the air. © Anja Jantschik

Because there is less funding from the state than hoped, the community will have to take out larger loans in the coming year.

Durlangen. Durlangen’s mayor Dieter Gerstlauer was disappointed at the local council meeting. For the upcoming energy-saving renovation of the town hall and the fire station as well as two minor expansions to both buildings, Durlangen had expected a funding rate of 62 percent from the equalization stock. Only 37 percent of eligible expenses are approved. For Durlangen, this means a higher personal contribution of around 500,000 euros, which ultimately amounts to 800,000 euros.

In the 2025 financial year, new debt of 200,000 euros is planned for the measure. Due to the lack of donations, higher borrowing will be unavoidable, otherwise the project cannot be implemented, said Gerstlauer. The committee considered this necessary and approved the construction and tender decision. The administration expects the first trades to be awarded in November.

The lighting technology in the stage area there should be replaced as quickly as possible, but without collisions with events in the community hall, for 23,070 euros. The clubs should be given instructions on how to use it.

Through a voluntary land exchange in accordance with the Land Consolidation Act, Durlangen would like to acquire peripheral areas of seven properties in the “Durlanger Spagen” area and is thus pursuing two goals: improving the agricultural structure as well as nature conservation and landscape management. After the land has been acquired, the “cleared landscape” is to be structured along the edge strips. Here, flowering fallows could create feeding habitats for field birds and skylarks, and Durlangen could also generate ecopoints.

The proposed land swap is met with skepticism in the local council

Stephanie Krätschmer wanted to know how there could be talk of a voluntary land exchange if the community had to spend 23,000 euros on land acquisition. The mayor explained that the land exchange was voluntary on the part of the owners; it was an ecological measure by the community. Andreas Abele advocated planting fruit trees that would achieve more ecopoints. The edge strip is not wide enough for this, said Gerstlauer. Further questions related to follow-up costs and maintenance costs as well as continued usability by farmers who have leased the land and the purchase price. At nine euros per square meter, this is still below the “agricultural price,” said Gerstlauer and appeared irritated because the community has been following the process “hand in hand” with the property owners since 2021. The committee’s skepticism prevailed. The majority of the committee approved Bernd Drexler’s request for a postponement, and the maintenance costs for the concept presented should then also be available.

Youth room opening only with supervision

As long as there is no supervision for the youth room, it will not be opened, explained Gerstlauer in response to Krätschmer’s question. With qualified supervision it could be opened. However, “on sight”, as the rooms are intended to accommodate refugees if necessary.

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