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During the Pandemic, Indonesian Children Lack of Movement and Low Exposure to the Sun : Okezone Lifestyle

REPORTED as much as 33.8 percent Indonesian children have a tendency to “sedentary lifestyle” or an inactive lifestyle or lack of movement during pandemic covid-19. According to a study published in the journal ‘National Center for Biotechnology Information’.

“These habits, for example, by staying silent, rarely exercising, and consuming unhealthy foods and drinks in excess,” explained the official report of the study received. MNC Portal recently.

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If this habit of lazy or lazy movement is allowed, it can affect the behavior and health of the child in the future. Therefore, it is important for parents to continue to encourage their children to stay active and build healthy habits, including choosing the foods and drinks they consume every day.

In addition to being lazy, Indonesian children during the COVID-19 pandemic are also known to have very low exposure to sunlight. This makes many children vulnerable to vitamin D3 deficiency, even though this is quite important in maintaining body immunity during a pandemic.

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“During the pandemic, there are three health problems that are often encountered in children, especially at elementary school age, including low exposure to sunlight so that children will be susceptible to vitamin D3 deficiency, lack of movement so that they are at risk of being overweight, and consuming snacks that lack protein, vitamins and minerals. , and minerals,” said nutritionist Doctor Rita Ramayulis DCN MKes in her official statement, Monday (26/7/2021).

This condition, according to Dr. Rita, is very worrying, considering that protein and vitamin D3 deficiency is one of the causes of decreased immunity, so children are easily exposed to dangerous viruses, including SARS-CoV2 which causes covid-19.

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The solution that Dr. Rita is trying to offer is that in addition to consuming balanced nutritious food and drinks, being active, and getting enough sun exposure, you as a parent must also be wise and smart in choosing additional intake or snacks rich in protein and vitamin D.

“This additional intake or healthy snacks is an important solution that can be done. As a source of intake that is rich in protein and a source of vitamin D, milk provides the benefits that the child’s body needs to be able to survive in a pandemic situation like now,” he added.

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