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During the emergency situation, the LNSO opens the “LNSO digital concert hall” – Culture, art

LNSO opens “LNSO digital concert hall” during emergency

At a time when, due to an emergency situation, it is not possible to attend concerts in person, the LNSO has come up with an alternative way to entertain cultural lovers – by creating a “LNSO digital concert hall”. In the “LNSO Digital Concert Hall” program, everyone will be able to enjoy video recordings of LNSO concerts that have never been seen before for free. The first concert will be shown tonight, November 7, on the LNSO “Youtube” channel, and it will be the opening concert of this season. The soloist is pianist Daumants Liepiņš, conductor – Andris Poga.

As explained by the director of the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra Indra Lukina, we currently offer an alternative way to enjoy concerts, enabling a wide audience to watch concerts remotely in the event of a state of emergency. We want to stay in touch with our listeners and give positive emotions to everyone who is at home, so we have decided to create an “LNSO digital concert hall”. Already in the spring, on the first day of the emergency, the LNSO offered the audience to enjoy the planned concert “Mahler’s Fifth and RIX” online. The response from the audience was unexpectedly high, so even now the decision to offer concerts on a digital platform seemed logical and justified. ”

LNSO Digital Concert Hall concerts will be played on LNSO Youtube – https://ej.uz/e3ya.
The content can also be accessed via the LNSO website by pressing the “Digital Concert Hall” button.

They will be available to listeners on certain dates from pl. 19.00 until midnight.

The project of the “LNSO Digital Concert Hall” will be symbolically opened on Saturday, November 7, at 19.00, by the opening concert of the season, which took place in the Grand Guild a month ago. In the concert recording you will be able to hear Linda Leiman’s new work Longing. Flashing. Bonding, Sergei Prokofiev’s Second Piano Concerto and Alexander Scriabin’s Second Symphony. Concert soloist – pianist Daumants Liepiņš, conductor – Andris Poga.

Culture lovers will be able to enjoy other musical events in the LNSO digital concert hall.

On November 14, there will be an opportunity to watch the concert “LNSO, Raimonds Pauls and Gija Kančeli” performed at the festival “LNSO Summer House” this year, dedicated to the memory of the Georgian composer Gija Kančeli. Maestro Raimonds Pauls and Kančeli, who was named after the sun last autumn, are friends of his youth, who have worked together on several recordings and a music album. Miniature from the piano cycle “Night Butterflies” by Jēkabs Jančevskis for piano and orchestra will sound from the maestro’s work, while from Gija Kančeli – a symphonic composition À la duduki, suite with The trio and orchestra, as well as the musicians close to Kancheli – Xylem Trio – have created Kancheli music arrangements.

On November 20, we will hear “LNSO, Glas and Milly” – another concert of “LNSO Summer House”, which surprised the audience with its strong, piercing sound, when the musicians of the LNSO and the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra performed the LNSO conductor Guntis Kuzma. and compositions by Niko Mjuli.

On November 28, there will be an opportunity to watch the concert “Tchaikovsky and Sibelius. Baltic Symphony Festival ”. The charming Estonian conductor Kristīna Poska took over the conductor’s stand and the world-demanded violinist Kristīne Balanas played solo. The program includes Piano Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto, Threshold by the New Estonian Composer Lisa Hirsch and Jean Sibelius’s Second Symphony.

On December 5, the concert will be performed by world-beloved pianist Vestards Šimkus and the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra (LNSO) in the concert of Tchaikovsky, Grieg and Rachmaninov. Vestards Šimkus, winner of several international competitions, has earned the recognition of listeners and critics by collaborating with such conductors as Andris Nelsons, Vasilijs Sinaiskis, Karels Marks Šišons, Teodors Kurendziss. With his mastery, the pianist has delighted listeners in Europe, the USA, the Middle East, China and Japan. Ainārs Rubiķis will be at the conductor’s desk, who will make his career mainly as an opera conductor. Since 2018, he has been the musical director of the Berlin Comic Opera. From 2012 to 2014, Rubikis was the artistic director and principal conductor of the Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, and his performances in Siberia were highly regarded. Ainars Rubikis has conducted at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, the Liceu Theater in Barcelona, ​​the Chicago Lyrical Opera and elsewhere.

Before the live broadcasts, Orests Silabriedis, the editor-in-chief of the LNSO, will give a brief introduction.

The LNSO also continues to offer the “LNSO podcast” in digital format. Twice a month, Andris Poga, the artistic director and chief conductor of the LNSO, as well as Orests Silabriedis, the editor-in-chief of the LNSO, invite non-music guests to the company to talk about music, art, philosophy and the world in general. On November 9, their interlocutor will be the theologian, psychologist, pastor and lecturer Indulis Paičs. On November 23, a conversation will take place with Aigars Nords, the director of Rimi Riga Marathon, the director of Nords Event Communications, the founder of the champagne festival Riga Wine & Champagne.


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