Home » today » Business » During the eleventh vacation, real estate market transactions are generally cold and the activity of used homes is better than that of new homes.

During the eleventh vacation, real estate market transactions are generally cold and the activity of used homes is better than that of new homes.

  Financial Associated Press, October 8 (Reporter Wang Haichun)On the 11th holiday, real estate transactions were generally cold.

According to data released by the Central Index Academy on October 8, during this year’s national holiday (October 1-7), the transaction area of ​​newly built commercial housing in 20 key monitoring cities across the country was of 669,300 square meters, which was 37.7% lower than the average daily transaction area during last year’s national holiday.

According to monitoring data from the Zhuge Housing Data Research Center, during this year’s national holiday, 4,474 new commercial housing units were sold in 15 key cities in the country, down 47.1% from the national holiday of the year. last. Compared to the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, the average daily transaction volume of new homes in the 15 key cities during this year’s national holiday was 639 units, down 44.9% from the average daily transaction volume. during the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays. Among them, the transaction volume in 8 cities was higher than the average daily transaction volume during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the transaction in 7 cities was lower than that of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In terms of cities, the transaction volume of new homes in 4 of the 15 cities increased compared to the same period last year and the transaction volume in the remaining 11 cities decreased compared to the same period last year. Among cities with increasing transaction volume, Jinan has 572 transactions, an increase of 36.5% over the same period last year.

Chen Wenjing, the director of market research of the Index Division of the China Index Academy, pointed out that the transaction volume of new homes in some cities such as Jinan has increased compared to the same period last year, but the overall transaction volume of the city fell not small.

Chen Xiao, senior analyst at Zhuge Housing Data Research Center, said that real estate transactions were still relatively weak during National Day and repeated outbreaks in multiple cities had some impact on transactions, while some hot second tier cities it has had relatively exceptional transaction volumes and the next market trend is exciting. .

Compared to the downturn in the new real estate market, the second hand real estate market was more active than the new real estate market during National Day Golden Week.

According to data from the Shell Research Institute, during this year’s national holiday, the average daily number of second-hand real estate transactions in 50 cities across the country increased by about 54% year-on-year, an increase of about 3. % in the same period of 2020. In terms of cities, the volume of second-hand housing transactions in 90% of the 50 cities has increased year on year and the number of second-hand housing transactions in Dongguan, Chengdu, Xiamen, Foshan, Suzhou and other cities other than doubled over the same period last year.

Lu Wenxi, senior research manager of Centaline Real Estate, pointed out that the central bank, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other departments subsequently issued favorable policies in late September, which caused more attention to be paid to the market to the National Day real estate market transaction this year. The overall turnover of new homes during National Day Golden Week is not high, but it will take some time for the policy to take effect.

“Multi-sectoral policies will reduce the cost of home purchases and have important implications for restoring market confidence. In addition,personal taxThe New Deal has a very noticeable positive effect on second hand real estate transactions and its effect will gradually become evident and the increase in the volume of second hand real estate market transactions will also help activate the new real estate market. “Lu Wenxi said in an interview with reporters.

Zhang Bo, dean of the 58 Anju Room Industry Research Institute, believes that the market still needs some time to assimilate the mix of policies issued by many departments before National Day.

“In the short term, homebuyers still have a wait-and-see mood. With the continued implementation of supportive policies in various places, the new internal market is expected to gradually stabilize by the end of the year.” told reporters.

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Responsible editor: Liu Wanli SF014

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