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During the Czech Republic, 656 cases of cocaine-19s were recorded in the meantime, this is a record number | Home

So far in the Czech Republic, there have been 656 confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus, ie no more than a full day. Nrst at 18:00 eclipse has never been so high. There are currently 8,789 sick people, of whom 234 are hospitalized. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, there are 62 patients with covid in the state of the art, the most since April 29.


So far, record-breaking data on the sweat of infected people on a given day comes from the 4th bird, when the infection was detected in 492 people by 18:00. For the whole bird, the infection was detected in a record 796 people. The current data indicates that the total number for the day will go to you.

Since the epidemic was arrested, 29,368 people have been shown to have been infected with the new coronavirus. About seven out of ten recovered, and the disease went awry.

There were 563 confirmed covid cases on Monday. This day, since the epidemic arrested, he has arrived at the Ptist. This happened for the first time on August 21, when laboratories confirmed 504 infected people. For the second time, it reached this limit last week, when the daily number of new cases of covid reached record values. So far, the most positive tests since the current arrest in one day were found by laboratories in the bird, 796.

The Czech branch of the World Health Organization (WHO) considers the situation regarding covidu-19 in the Czech Republic to be worrying. She warned that the ground should not limit route contact to those with symptoms and during the infection, but to increase capacity. Prime Minister Andrej Babi (YES) rejected the criticism and asked the organization to grind. The Minister of Health Adam Vojtch (for YES) emphasized that the Czech Republic will not stop tracing, but he wants to change and make the system more efficient.

The most prominent number of sweat is now Pelhimovsko, where 101 new cases of covid-19 have been driven per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. The disease was confirmed there, among other things, in a home for the elderly in Humpolec. With the elderly, 15 soldiers will help out in quite a few regions from the middle.

The most significant number of illnesses were recorded by hygienists in the district of Plzeň-jih, where in the last week there were more than 91 patients per 100,000 inhabitants. The director of the Regional Hygienic Station in Pilsen, Pemysl Tomauk, today announced an extraordinary measure in Novi Ves na Plzesku due to the appearance of covid-19. People from the center onwards will be obliged to wear handkerchiefs and respirators in public places, they must keep their distance, they must not gather. Restaurants and municipalities have been established for the public, cultural, social and sports events and private celebrations may not be held.

The third worst region is the capital city of Prague with 87 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. In the last 24 hours, there have been 221 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in Prague, which is still the largest since the outbreak. From the middle of the day, some measures and hygienists will be registered in the city.


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